Nintendo will soon release the strategic turn-based role-playing game Fire Emblem Engage. This is the seventeenth installment of the lengthy Fire Emblem series. This franchise is well recognized for its severe difficulty, and the new installment is unlikely to change that.
In the game, Fire Emblem Engage, every character involves different types of skills. However, some users are not knowing the synchro skills available in the game. If you are also one of them and searching for it, then don’t worry we are here with a guide. In this guide, we will discuss about the Synchro Skills. Also, we will discuss about which character has which type of Synchro skills. So, without any further ado, let’s begin the guide now.
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What is Synchro Skill In The Fire Emblem Engage?
Synchro Skills are abilities and bonuses that your unit activates when they wear an Emblem Ring. Depending on which Emblem Ring you are wearing, these skills may provide you bonuses or stat boosts.
To get to know what are the Synchro skills available in the game and what are its effect, continue reading the article.
What Are the Synchro Skills Available In The Fire Emblem Engage?
You can use unique abilities and attacks when you sync with an emblem. Below down are all Synchro Skills available in the Fire Emblem Engage.
1. Nihil
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Marth. When using this skill while attacking, opponent unit counter attacks have a greater likelihood of failing.
2. Holy Stance
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Celica. This skill reflects a part of the damage taken from Corrupted units.
3. Canter
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Sigurd. This skill can make a follow-up motion after attacking.
4. Arms Shield
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Leif. This skill lessens the damage received while utilizing the more effective weapon type.
5. Hold Out
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Roy. When utilizing this skill, a unit that had 30% or more HP at the beginning of the battle always survives the battle with at least one HP.
6. Desperation
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Lyn. If the ally unit’s Spd is higher, this skill delivers a follow-up strike before the opposing unit can counter attack.
7. Lunar Brace
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Eirika. When using this skill, the damage is multiplied by the enemy unit’s Def.
8. Brave General
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Ike. When HP falls below 75% while using this skill, Def and Mag are increased.
9. Cleric
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Micaiah. The unit is able to equip staves of up to level C when using this skill.
10. Dual Strike
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Lucina. This ability enables any engaged unit, regardless of class or fighting style, to initiate Chain Attacks. Chain Attack probability increases as the attack range increases.
11. Dragon Vein
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Corrin. Depending on the battle style of the unit, this skill adds a variety of field effects. Dragon units have the option of selecting an effect.
12. Divine Pulse
For this Synchro Skill, you will have to sync with Byleth. Attacks with this skill have a predetermined chance of hitting instead of missing.
This was all for this guide. We hope that with the help of this guide, you were able to know about all the Synchro Skills in Fire Emblem Engage. Also, we have mentioned the effects of the skills and with which Emblem you will have to sync.
Now, if you have any doubts or questions, then feel free to mention them in the comment section below. We will try our best to solve them. Also, for more such helpful guides on Fire Emblem Engage, or any other games, do check out our website.