Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Workers

Cybersecurity has become more important with the COVID-19 pandemic increasing the number of remote employees. It is more likely that cyber-attacks and data breaches will occur when employees work from home. Since you access sensitive company information using your personal devices, you are more vulnerable to cyber threats as a remote worker. To help you stay protected, we’ve compiled some important details about ExpressVPN’s research on passwords that they have done recently.

What is ExpressVPN Research on Passwords?

In a recent research study, ExpressVPN, one of the leading virtual private network (VPN) service providers, analyzed passwords in depth. It examined the types of passwords used, password habits, and password-related security incidents to better understand password usage. According to the study, password security is currently lacking, and developing better password habits is crucial for protecting against cyber threats.

Cyber security featured image

What Are The Key Findings of This Research?

#1. Majority of People Use Weak Passwords

Study findings revealed that a majority of people still use weak passwords. It seems that a majority of respondents still use passwords that are easy to guess, such as “password” or “123456.” This shows that password security is still not taken seriously by many individuals.

#2. Reuse of Passwords is Common

According to the study, password reuse is another worrying trend. It was found that nearly 60% of respondents reused the same password for various accounts, increasing their vulnerability to hackers.

#3. Poor Password Habits

According to the study, there is also a prevalent practice of writing down passwords or storing them in unencrypted files. Approximately 60% of respondents said they saved their passwords on their computers or on sticky notes.

#4. Lack of Understanding of Password Requirements

According to the study, many individuals are also unaware of the password requirements. It was reported that nearly 40% of respondents did not know that complex passwords should be used regularly.

#5. Impact of Password-Related Security Incidents

According to the study, password-related security incidents greatly impact people’s lives. In nearly 60% of the cases, a compromised password resulted in a security incident. They suffered financial losses, damaged their reputations, and experienced increased stress as a result of the incidents.

How to Protect Our Device 

#1. The need for better password habits

According to the study, individuals need to develop better password habits to protect themselves against cyber threats. You should use strong and unique passwords, change your passwords regularly, and not reuse the same password on multiple accounts.

#2. Importance of password security education

According to the study, educating individuals about best password security practices is also important. Passwords should be complex, password reuse is dangerous, and passwords should be stored properly.

#3. Need for better password management tools

Furthermore, the study’s findings indicate that individuals need access to better password management tools to safely store and manage their passwords. With features such as password generation, password storage, and password synchronization, these tools can help reduce the risk of password-related security incidents.

How to keep your passwords secure?

It is very important to keep your passwords secure so that you can protect your personal and financial information from cybercriminals. You can keep your passwords secure by following these tips:

  1. Use strong passwords: Make sure your password is a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Whenever possible, avoid using information that can be easily guessed, such as your name, date of birth, or address.
  2. Avoid password reuse: Make sure you don’t use the same password across several accounts. By using the same password, a cybercriminal can access all your accounts if they gain access to one.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication: With two-factor authentication, your account is added an additional layer of security by requiring you to enter a code alongside your password. Consequently, your password can be compromised, and you will be protected against unauthorized access.
  4. Use a password manager: Your passwords can be securely stored and managed with a password manager. Strong passwords can be generated using these tools, stored in a secure location, and automatically entered upon login.
  5. Avoid writing down passwords: Never write down your passwords on a sticky note on your computer or in a place where they can be accessed easily.
  6. Be cautious with public Wi-Fi: Wireless networks that are open to the public can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Do not use public Wi-Fi to access sensitive information like your banking account.
  7. Regularly update your passwords: By regularly changing your passwords, you help decrease the chance of someone gaining access to your accounts. You should change your passwords at least every few months, so set a reminder.

By following these tips, you will keep your passwords secure and reduce the risk of hackers gaining access to your personal and financial information. Always stay informed about new threats, and protect your data and devices by taking the necessary precautions.


Ultimately, ExpressVPN password research provides valuable insights into the security status of passwords and highlights the need for better password habits in order to mitigate cyber threats. Besides highlighting the importance of education and the availability of better password management tools, the study highlights the importance of individuals being proactive in protecting their password security. Individuals can reduce their risk of password-related security incidents and ensure the security of their personal and professional information by taking these steps.

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