Monster Hunter Rise is an action RPG developed and published by Capcom. Released worldwide for the Nintendo Switch, it is the sixth main instalment in the Monster Hunter series. The game is set in the ninja-inspired land of Kamura Village, where players take on the role of a hunter tasked with protecting the village from various monsters that threaten its peace. In this guide, we will take you through the best Hunting Horn Build in Monster Hunter Rise.
In addition to the single-player campaign, Monster Hunter Rise features a robust multiplayer mode that allows players to team up with friends and take on tougher quests together. The game also supports cross-play between the Nintendo Switch and the upcoming PC version. It is a thrilling and challenging game that offers players a rich and immersive world to explore. So, let’s find out more about the best Hunting Horn Build in Monster Hunter Rise.
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Monster Hunter Rise: Best Hunting Horn Builds
In this guide, we’ll provide you with a detailed breakdown of the most powerful and effective Hunting Horn builds for High Rank, including the latest Hunting Horns from update 3.0. We’ll also cover the top Skills and Armor pieces you should pair with your Hunting Horns to maximize your damage output and make your gameplay experience more enjoyable.
With the right build, they can be an incredibly powerful weapon in your arsenal. Whether you’re looking to take down some of the toughest monsters in High Rank, or simply looking to jam out with your Hunting Horn, this guide has you covered. So whether you’re a seasoned Hunting Horn player, or just starting out, join us on this journey to discover the best Hunting Horn builds in Monster Hunter Rise.
Earthshaker Build
This Earthshaker build is an Endgame Build of Update 3.0 for HR 100+. The Earthshaker build is designed for raw damage output, amplifying the effects of Earthshaker and Sonic Waves. The Full Valstrax set provides the perfect set of skills to achieve this goal. In addition to the typical quality of life Hunting Horn skills, Wirebug Whisperer Lv. 3 is included to reduce wirebug cooldowns.
Weapon: The Rampage Agitato S is the recommended weapon for the Earthshaker build. It has an attack value of 210 and no slots.
Affinity: The weapon has 0% affinity.
Melodies: The recommended melodies for the Rampage Agitato S are Earplugs (S), Health Recovery (S), and Sonic Wave.
Recommended Rampage Skills: Sharpness Type IV, Non-Elemental Boost and Attack Melody II.
Recommended Talisman Skills: The recommended talisman skill is Wirebug Whisperer Lv. 2 with two additional ② slots.
The Full Valstrax set is recommended for the Earthshaker build. It provides the perfect set of skills to achieve the goal of raw damage output, amplifying the effects of Earthshaker and Sonic Waves. The set includes the following pieces:
- Valstrax Helm: This provides Weakness Exploit Lv. 1 and Dragonheart Lv. 1, and has two level 2 slots and one level 1 slot.
- Valstrax Mail: This provides Resuscitate Lv. 2 and Dragonheart Lv. 1, and has three level 2 slots and one level 1 slot.
- Valstrax Braces: This provides Weakness Exploit Lv. 2 and Dragonheart Lv. 1, and has two level 1 slots.
- Valstrax Coil: This provides Resentment Lv. 2, Resuscitate Lv. 1, and Dragonheart Lv. 1, and has two level 1 slots.
- Valstrax Greaves: This provides Resentment Lv. 1 and Dragonheart Lv. 1, and has three level 2 slots and one level 1 slot.
The recommended decorations for the Earthshaker build are:
- Attack Jewel 2 x6
- Wirebug Jewel 2 x1
- Grinder Jewel 1 x2
- Sonorous Jewel 1 x1
The recommended skills for the Earthshaker build are:
- Attack Boost Lv. 6 | Dragonheart Lv. 5
- Resentment Lv. 3 | Resuscitate Lv. 3
- Weakness Exploit Lv. 3 | Wirebug Whisperer Lv. 3
- Speed Sharpening Lv. 2 | Horn Maestro Lv. 1
Critical Build
The Critical build is an Endgame Build of Update 3.0 for HR 100+. It focuses on critical hits to maximize damage output. The Rampage Agitato S Hunting Horn Sharpness is the recommended weapon for this build. It has an attack value of 210 and no slots. Weakness Exploit and Critical Eye allow us to reach 80% affinity on weak spots while Critical and Attack Boost bolster our damage numbers directly. We can add Master’s Touch and Speed Sharpening to keep the Hunting Horn’s sharpness high. If you want to focus more on attacking, you can swap out Speed Sharpening for Stamina Thief to beat monsters easily.
As a Hunting Horn slugger build, it is highly recommended for multiplayer hunts for knocking out monsters for increased team DPS.
Affinity: The weapon has 0% affinity.
Melodies: The recommended melodies for the Rampage Agitato S are Earplugs (S), Health Recovery (S), and Sonic Wave.
Recommended Rampage Skills: Sharpness Type IV, Non-Elemental Boost, and Attack Melody II.
Recommended Talisman Skills: The recommended talisman skill is Weakness Exploit Lv. 2 with one additional ② slot.
The Kaiser Crown, Vaik Mail S, Kaiser Vambraces, Anjanath Coil S, and Ingot Greaves S are the recommended armor pieces for the Critical Build. The set includes the following skills:
- Critical Eye Lv. 3
- Critical Boost Lv. 1
- Resuscitate Lv. 1
- Teostra Blessing Lv. 1
- Attack Boost Lv. 2
- Weakness Exploit Lv. 2
The recommended decorations for the Critical Build are:
- Mastery Jewel 2 x3
- Tenderizer Jewel 2 x1
- Critical Jewel 2 x1
- Grinder Jewel 1 x3
- Brace Jewel 1 x1
- Sonorous Jewel 1 x1
The recommended skills for the Critical Build are:
- Critical Eye Lv. 6 | Attack Boost Lv. 4
- Critical Boost Lv. 3 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
- Speed Sharpening Lv. 3 | Master’s Touch Lv. 3
- Horn Maestro Lv. 1 | Teostra Blessing Lv. 1
KO Build
The KO Build is a High Rank Build of Update 2.0) for HR 40 to 99. It is designed for multiplayer hunts, focusing on knocking out monsters for increased team DPS. The recommended weapon is the Rampage Agitato V Hunting Horn, which has an attack value of 200 and no slots. The recommended melodies for this weapon are Earplugs (S), Health Recovery (S), and Sonic Wave.
Recommended Rampage Skills: Sharpness Type I, Non-Elemental Boost, and Attack Melody II.
Recommended Talisman Skills: The recommended talisman skill is Weakness Exploit Lv. 2 with one additional ② slot or more.
The recommended armor pieces for the KO Build are:
- Sinister Helm S: This provides Flinch Free Lv. 1, Handicraft Lv. 1, Resentment Lv. 1, and has one level 2 slot.
- Kulu-Ya-Ku Mail S: This provides Horn Maestro Lv. 1, Slugger Lv. 2, and has one level 2 slot.
- Sinister Gauntlets S: This provides Handicraft Lv. 2, Hellfire Cloak Lv. 1, and has one level 2 slot.
- Anjanath Coil S: This provides Attack Boost Lv. 2 and has two level 1 slots and one level 2 slot.
- Ingot Greaves S: This provides Attack Boost Lv. 2 and Critical Eye Lv. 2, and has one level 1 slot.
The recommended decorations for the KO Build are:
- Tenderizer Jewel 2 x1
- Grinder Jewel 1 x3
- Critical Jewel 2 x3
- KO Jewel 2 x1
The recommended skills for the KO Build are:
- Attack Boost Lv. 4 | Slugger Lv. 3
- Handicraft Lv. 3 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
- Speed Sharpening Lv. 3 | Critical Boost Lv. 3
- Critical Eye Lv. 2 | Flinch Free Lv. 1
- Horn Maestro Lv. 1 | Resentment Lv. 1
- Hellfire Cloak Lv. 1
Sinister Shadestrum Support Build
The Sinister Shadestrum Support build is a High Rank Build of Update 2.0 for HR 8 to 40. It is a standard comfort build for the Hunting Horn that makes use of Horn Maestro and Slugger. Offensive skills include Attack Boost Lv. 4 for the percentage bonus and max Weakness Exploit for an easy 50% critical strike chance when hitting the head (or other weak parts).
Weapon: The Sinister Shadestrum Hunting Horn is the recommended weapon for the Support build. It has an attack value of 180 and comes with no slots.
Affinity: The weapon has 0% affinity.
Melodies: The recommended melodies for the Sinister Shadestrum Hunting Horn are Blue Melody (Sonic Barrier), Red Melody (Attack + Defense Up), and Green Melody (Health Regeneration).
The recommended armor pieces for the Sinister Shadestrum Support build are:
- Anjanath Helm S: This provides Focus Lv. 1, Slugger Lv. 1, and has one level 2 slot.
- Zinogre Mail S: This provides Latent Power Lv. 1 and Weakness Exploit Lv. 1, and has one level 1 slot.
- Anjanath Vambraces S: This provides Attack Boost Lv. 2, Slugger Lv. 2, and has one level 1 slot.
- Skalda Elytra S / Spio Elytra S: This provides Weakness Exploit Lv. 2, and has no slots.
- Golden Hakama: This provides Latent Power Lv. 1 and Critical Boost Lv. 2, and has two level 1 slots.
The recommended decorations for the Sinister Shadestrum Support build are:
- Attack Jewel 2 x2
- Grinder Jewel 1 x3
- Sonorous Jewel 1 x1
The recommended skills for the Sinister Shadestrum Support build are:
- Attack Boost Lv. 4 | Slugger Lv. 3
- Weakness Exploit Lv. 3 | Critical Boost Lv. 2
- Latent Power Lv. 2 | Evade Extender Lv. 1 – 3
- Focus Lv. 1 | Horn Maestro Lv. 1
Rampage IV Build
The Rampage IV Build is a High Rank Build of Update 2.0 for HR 8 to 40. It is centered around the Rampage Agitato IV and its recommended rampage skills. Attack Boost is maximized to increase the Hunting Horn’s base attack, while Handicraft extends its sharpness bar. Weakness Exploit is included to provide a 50% critical chance when striking a monster’s weak spot, further increasing damage.
Weapon: Rampage Agitato IV Hunting Horn with an attack value of 190 and no slots.
Affinity: The weapon has 0% affinity.
Melodies: The recommended melodies for the Rampage Agitato IV are Earplugs (S), Health Recovery (S), and Sonic Wave.
Recommended Rampage Skills: Attack Boost II or Sharpness Type I, Non-Elemental Boost, and Attack Melody II.
Recommended Talisman Skills: The recommended talisman skill is Weakness Exploit Lv. 2.
The recommended armor pieces for the Rampage IV Build are:
- Zinogre Helm S: This provides Latent Power Lv. 1, Weakness Exploit Lv. 1, and has one level 1 slot.
- Hunter’s Mail S: This provides Attack Boost Lv. 1, Handicraft Lv. 1, and has one level 1 slot.
- Sinister Gauntlets S: This provides Handicraft Lv. 2, Hellfire Cloak Lv. 1, and has two level 2 slots.
- Anjanath Coil S: This provides Attack Boost Lv. 2, and has two level 1 slots and one level 2 slot.
- Hunter’s Greaves S: This provides Attack Boost Lv. 2, Stun Resistance Lv. 1, and has two level 2 slots.
The recommended decorations for the Rampage IV Build are:
- Attack Jewel 2 x2
- Grinder Jewel 1 x3
- Sonorous Jewel 1 x1
The recommended skills for the Rampage IV Build are:
- Attack Boost Lv. 7 | Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
- Latent Power Lv. 3 | Handicraft Lv. 3
- Hellfire Cloak Lv. 1 | Stun Resistance Lv. 1
- Maximum Might Lv. 1 | Horn Maestro Lv. 1
Hidden Harmonic II Build
The Hidden Harmonic II build is a High Rank Build for Hub HR 6 to 7. It is a damage-oriented build that slots in more DPS by ignoring the Horn Maestro. With 40% affinity and Weakness Exploit, you can still easily hit critical strikes as long as you land your hits on the head. You can get Attack Boost 4 for bonus percentage. With Hidden Harmonic II’s affinity + Weakness Exploit, you can still easily hit critical strikes as long as you land your hits on the head.
Weapon: The Hidden Harmonic II Hunting Horn is the recommended weapon for this build. It has an attack value of 160 and a sharpness of blue.
Affinity: The weapon has 40% affinity.
Melodies: The recommended melodies for the Hidden Harmonic II Hunting Horn are Stamina Recovery Up, Attack Up, and Affinity Up.
Recommended Talisman Skills: Critical Eye, Weakness Exploit, Attack Boost
The recommended armor set for the Hidden Harmonic II build includes:
- Zinogre Helm S: This provides Weakness Exploit Lv. 1 and Latent Power Lv. 1, and has one level 1 slot.
- Zinogre Mail S: This provides Weakness Exploit Lv. 1 and Latent Power Lv. 1, and has one level 1 slot.
- Anjanath Vambraces S: This provides Attack Boost Lv. 2 and Slugger Lv. 2, and has one level 1 slot.
- Nargacuga Coil S: This provides Critical Eye Lv. 1 and Evade Extender Lv. 2, and has one level 2 slot.
- Ingot Greaves S: This provides Attack Boost Lv. 2 and Critical Eye Lv. 2, and has one level 1 slot.
The recommended decorations for the Hidden Harmonic II build are:
- Attack Jewel 2 x4
- Critical Jewel 2 x3
- Slugger Jewel 2 x2
- Evade Jewel 2 x2
The recommended skills for the Hidden Harmonic II build are:
- Attack Boost Lv. 4 | Critical Eye Lv. 3
- Weakness Exploit Lv. 2 | Latent Power Lv. 2
- Slugger Lv. 2 | Evade Extender Lv. 2
Gale Horn Slugger Build
The Gale Horn Slugger Build is a great starter set for Hunting Horn players in High Rank. The Hunting Horn is relatively cheap to craft and offers great stats. This build features Slugger, Stamina Thief, and Horn Maestro, which are all skills that the Hunting Horn loves to have.
Weapon: The Gale Horn Hunting Horn is the recommended weapon for this build. It has an attack value of 150 and has a 10% affinity.
Melodies: The recommended melodies for the Gale Horn Hunting Horn are Blue Melody (Stamina Recovery Up), Red Melody (Affinity Up), and Green Melody (Health Recovery [S]).
The recommended armor set for the Gale Horn Slugger build includes:
- Kulu-Ya-Ku Helm S: This provides Maximum Might Lv. 1 and has two level 1 slots.
- Kulu-Ya-Ku Mail S: This provides Horn Maestro Lv. 1, Slugger Lv. 2, and has two level 2 slots.
- Kulu-Ya-Ku Braces S: This provides Slugger Lv. 1, Stamina Thief Lv. 2, and has two level 2 slots.
- Kulu-Ya-Ku Coil S: This provides Maximum Might Lv. 1, Stamina Thief Lv. 1, and has two level 1 slots.
- Ingot Greaves S: This provides Attack Boost Lv. 2, Critical Eye Lv. 2, and has one level 1 slot.
The recommended decorations for the Gale Horn Slugger build are:
- Slugger Jewel 2 x1
- Stamina Thief Jewel 2 x2
- Critical Jewel 2 x2
- Attack Jewel 1 x1
The recommended skills for the Gale Horn Slugger Build are:
- Slugger Lv. 3 | Stamina Thief Lv. 3
- Attack Boost Lv. 2 | Critical Eye Lv. 2
- Maximum Might Lv. 2 | Horn Maestro Lv. 1
That concludes our list for the best Hunting Horn Build in Monster Hunter Rise. Now, let’s check out some of the best Hunting Horn Skills in this next segment of the guide.
Best Hunting Horn Skills
In order to make the most of this weapon, it’s important to have the right skills. Here are some of the best skills for Hunting Horn:
- Horn Maestro: Horn Maestro is a skill made specifically for the Hunting Horn. It improves the overall performance of the Hunting Horn for only 1 skill slot. This skill is a must-have for any Hunting Horn player because it allows them to get the most out of their weapon.
- Slugger: Slugger is a skill that increases the stun rate of the Hunting Horn. This is a valuable skill for solo play and great for multiplayer as well. It allows players to stun monsters more frequently, which can lead to more opportunities for damage.
- Attack Boost: It boosts the Hunting Horn’s base attack to increase damage per second (DPS). This skill is a must-have for any Hunting Horn player who wants to deal more damage.
- Weakness Exploit: Weakness Exploit is a skill that increases affinity when hitting enemy weak spots. This is perfect for Hunting Horn players because they should always prioritize the head. With Weakness Exploit, players can deal more damage to monsters and take them down faster.
- Evade Extender: The Hunting Horn is not the most mobile weapon, which is why Evade Extender is such a valuable skill. It improves the Hunting Horn’s ability to dodge incoming attacks and reposition. This skill is especially useful for players who like to stay on the move while using the Hunting Horn.
- Critical Boost: Critical Boost is a skill that amplifies critical damage by 30%/35%/40% per level. This skill is great for Hunting Horn players who want to deal more damage with critical hits. However, it’s important to note that the Hunting Horn is not a weapon that relies heavily on critical hits.
In summary, creating a build in Monster Hunter that deals significant damage while also providing valuable buffs to your team requires careful consideration of various factors. These include, but are not limited to, the Hunting Horn, armor, skills, and decorations. While the aforementioned builds are excellent choices, there are other options that may be worth exploring, depending on your playstyle and preferences.
Moreover, it is important to note that the skills you choose to prioritize can greatly affect your overall performance. It is worth noting that creating a successful build also requires practice and experimentation. Even with the right equipment and skills, it takes time to master the Hunting Horn and learn how to use it effectively in combat. However, with perseverance and dedication, you will be able to take on even the toughest monsters with ease and become a valuable asset to your team.