Hello Games is a small game development firm that has released many games to date that have attracted a lot of attention, especially for a small British game development firm. Its major release was the game titled No Man’s Sky, and since its initial release, many new expansion packs and DLCs have been released for the masses.
The initial success of the first title meant many were curious about a sequel to No Man’s Sky. And if you are reading this article, you are also one of those eager people about a sequel to No Man’s Sky. So, in this article, we have put together all the information about the sequel’s release; hopefully, this will shed some light on the matter. Now, without any further ado, let’s get into it.
No Man’s Sky 2 Release Date for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Consoles
Hello Games has confirmed they won’t release any sequel to No Man’s Sky. Instead, they have promised and dedicated themselves to only improving the first tile further. As mentioned above, we have had numerous DLCs and expansions, like the Outlaws expansion pack, that have only added to what was already impressive about the original game.
In an interview with IGN, founder of Hello Games Sean Murray was asked about the No Man’s Sky 2’s probable launch. He only said that they would be continuously working towards making new additions to No Man’s Sky and hinted towards the launch of another similar to No Man’s Sky, but it won’t be a sequel.
He said, “For a while now, we’ve been working on something pretty ambitious in the background.” “It’s a small team, but we like it that way.” He also said, “Similar to No Man’s Sky, it’s the kind of project that even if we had a thousand people working on, it’d still seem impossible.” He also added that developing this new project won’t interfere with ongoing No Man’s Sky work.
So it’s fair to say that we won’t see a sequel to No Man’s Sky from Hello Games, but we can sit excited about another title that would be as good as No Man’s Sky. As Sean revealed, the project is under development, and only a few people are working on it; we can assume this will take some time. But when such a game officially launches, it should come to all the major platforms, including PS5, Xbox, and PC.
So this is all we have about a possible sequel to No Man’s Sky. It is simply not coming anytime shortly. If someday Hello Games decides to work on a sequel and we get some information on it, we will add that to this article. So keep checking this article for any possible changes or updates.