Blaze Village is one of the popular villages in Shindo Life. There is a large stadium shop, bank, and training ground where you can train your character. You are on the right page if you are looking for some Shindo Life Blaze Village private server codes. In this article, you will find a big list of private server codes for free in-game items and upgrades.
Shindo Life is a popular role-playing video game developed on the Roblox platform. It’s inspired by Naruto – a popular anime and manga series. The game features a vast open world to explore. Players can engage in various activities such as battling with other players, training their abilities, searching for hidden items, and completing quests. Blaze Village is one of 17 villages in this game. It’s a great place to start your journey in Shindo Life.
Page Contents
Shindo Life Blaze Village Private Server Codes (February 2025)
Here are all the latest private server codes for Blaze Village in Shindo Life:
- Time49
- eKNggE
- vZ0yl2
- V-weQF
- 12Ka-d
- aA3m1i
- 2y39cO
- fFvBSn
- c7Q6Xl
- Y5OkaM
If you know how to redeem these codes, bag new gifts. We have detailed all the steps below for those who don’t know.
Updated on February 1: We’ve just updated this post with the latest info. Take a look and see what’s new!
Expired Codes
- BLAZEUP – Redeem for 1,000 Zeni and 100 Gold
- VIPERVIP – Redeem for 2,000 Zeni and 200 Gold
- SNIPERSCOPE – Redeem for 500 Zeni and 50 Gold
- FLAMEFURY – Redeem for 1,500 Zeni and 150 Gold
- TURBOCHARGED – Redeem for 3,000 Zeni and 300 Gold
- jdtleg
- fy7kqa
- 3j9shY
- U-k5KR
- 3XIfC7
- RU47kS
- 1fQIaN
- 5Knqbx
- to3wFy
- BtppUJ
- umiFXF
- Jv8aSq
- c7Q6Xl
- _3OCWk
- _9-BfZ
- _daxv6
- _eY5W4
- _no3jk
- _sVVo6
- 00VdTG
- 0QsSza
- 0uEOGi
- 12Ka-d
- 1Arv1Z
- 1e9-IS
- 1fQIaN
- 1SB-8J
- 1ya3xp
- 1YZ3E5
- 29b3gx
- 2MTOPf
- 2shJhx
- 2u41_w
- 2x8puI
- 2x8pul
- 2xUsba
- 2y39cO
- 30HbFs
- 32PxY1
- 3Al4oo
- 3ffcqQ
- 3iGKb-
- 3j9shY
- 3KMwij
- 3NWzmY
- 3qoIxZ
- 3RtOIK
- 3RtOlK
- 3XIfC7
- 4bu76Q
- 4j4ZEC
- 4oaa6p
- 4RVjJD
- 505Vsq
- 5aQksY
- 5guPy6
- 5Knqbx
- 5O5Vsq
- 5p9WJN
- 5uBjmD
- 5XFK-3
- 5yTmE8
- 62EAEg
- 6eA917
- 6JUSc7
- 6L00dQ
- 6L0OdQ
- 6mC8bl
- 6PJulyT
- 6Trtq
- 6xhq00
- 6xhqOO
- 70tBSN
- 76L6_w
- 7OtBSN
- 7-YeIV
- 7-YelV
- 7yUnuk
- 8_zaxq
- 89pKBO
- 8teWHN
- 929YF3
- 9SYTHj
- 9wQ__r
- 9Y0VCU
- a1_wPB
- A-4NtU
- A6aBjn
- A8hU6W
- aA3m1i
- AVa3ud
- AwmLEj
- B7tn-B
- bBgPmR
- BFvHDf
- bJXsKI
- BJyjyC
- BLR_3R
- bMyAg-
- BOPri1
- bSOoyu
- bSYHfJ
- BtppUJ
- bT-Tfs
- bw28DA
- BzTdyd
- c6cW69
- C7dF50
- CkWpe4
- CLr6hk
- Cn0TXf
- CnwdP1
- CpkEOk
- crFHRP
- c-XHzj
- cXXokm
- dbXJLJ
- dQnp6H
- DynKLw
- e0UDHP
- E9Egne
- Eb24nv
- eke3Wq
- EkEEu2
- eKNggE
- eLUkH6
- EoZNsh
- eQrPQy
- EqVB_H
- EzvOUm
- f85U8M
- Fa7Wcr
- FCnX25
- fEYhu3
- fFvBSn
- fiOwDo
- Fy-uHp
- g4huzR
- G7dF50
- G7LjQx
- gbQhHL
- Gc23f4
- GDxN-O
- GiJfYK
- gjjhic
- GJT4m4
- GliBEF
- gmudkP
- GN5rKG
- GnBPws
- GSRHkb
- GvrAg-
- H2Cnw4
- h6rGE
- h6rGE-
- H97ifQ
- HbItmL
- HeRPjT
- hksOOm
- hMbwML
- HOfFaa
- hpq3ZD
- HWA0q4
- hwO-Gt
- HyLphN
- HZ5fHS
- i0Cr53
- I3aFav
- if9hJb
- IL6eth
- iNjzoV
- IP6-Gs
- iryOjh
- IzJB18
- J0Yb_h
- j314mJ
- j5aIdR
- JCbiY0
- JeEDM8
- jgfTo2
- jmwbIm
- JO9afK
- JrirvR
- Jv8aSq
- JvLD_S
- K1Jdcu
- K3pFNY
- K3y4yv
- k4yYwu
- KD0zF5
- kDWpEh
- kGvNjq
- khhRYK
- KIFVqk
- kk0Ivx
- kOOmLE
- kOzbc-
- KPP-kh
- kqfWDa
- krpj3h
- KsHn0O
- K-wP7Q
- kxZiZy
- L6H3Km
- LCUros
- lSHyQM
- lTbRuy
- LYm-ZL
- m6JVWJ
- mbC2JM
- mcaD7V
- mFv1nF
- Mh4C1l
- MSzPme
- mUVaCk
- MW3re
- MzW283
- nIvabw
- Nj4w5y
- nKcVi0
- n-mKoE
- nnANqa
- nxnuy4
- nzr7GA
- O_ToG8
- oaJALz
- OCgdhe
- OF2o67
- OLRA15
- OMmhas
- oOhlfC
- OPuhBc
- OuiYVW
- OVB8ow
- P1kfFb
- p44fFU
- p4qfFU
- P8u_zb
- PE3090
- PELnpd
- PhIsmf
- phtZf3
- pHxn-N
- PjXsHC
- pSgj2U
- PVvY45
- pZ4sYz
- pZGD1V
- Q62TrG
- qEEdP5
- qIwVLK
- QNm0jk
- QOhqXG
- QoHSIn
- QuZqwD
- qvUAY
- qvUAY_
- qxqfmF
- QXuOzW
- qzfHD5
- R4sBT
- R4sBTj
- RbRW91
- rCSWo-
- rk199N
- rLFmKG
- RokfiG
- RU47kS
- saB1Ym
- SAY_Al
- SBiTde
- ScrPMj
- sd8KiH
- sMJh7y
- snWxwo
- sqTqpX
- Srmj9I
- sUkntV
- svszfJ
- SWSyYv
- tAmsmD
- tCOXdd
- tGu9Fv
- Time49
- tn0WyN
- tnAXks
- to3wFy
- TrbGMA
- TTPx63
- u2DUcD
- u54R-f
- uAGFeN
- ue2Z_i
- UJd2js
- UJExh
- U-k5KR
- umiFXF
- unp0e0
- utcpPx
- UtNihi8
- UTV2zc
- uUp5Kid
- uZtomQ
- UzTpCp
- v44Bd-
- VM260j
- VP6AZc
- vvDEKv
- V-weQF
- VWtj3x
- Vx1VH4
- Vxryrs
- vZ0yl2
- VzDPlJ
- w0wUIm
- w0wUlm
- w5oLBW
- waTEyT
- wmQQxH
- wnTOiV
- woaqe6
- wU4LAh
- wucGhK
- WV_Rtb
- XbkyLw
- XgarTv
- XGYY67
- xhNeeq
- xiWeFN
- xj3y7d
- xJ8TQh
- xk55Hb
- XlW3rk
- xMkQ-8
- xQ6ijR
- XqScIm
- XudHkp
- -XYwIt
- Y0M4rR
- y0ZIK
- y1yXRB
- Y5OkaM
- yIBqKd
- YsAK5Y
- YsVmO1
- yYqHFg
- yZRuj4
- Z177V2
- z3La4
- z3La4U
- zJSYFc
- ZncHOK
- zrSuAv
- ZSmHPf
- zuBuUT
- ZU-tYi
- zvXhEK
- ZxsduU
How to Redeem Shindo Life Blaze Village Private Server Codes
To use the private server codes in Shindo Life, you need to go to the map selection area and enter the private code in the text field in the top-right corner of your screen. Here are the steps for the same:
- Launch the game and go to the Map Selection screen.
- Tap on [PRIVATE CODE]. You should find it at the top of your screen.
- Copy one of the private server codes from this code and paste it there.
- Press the white arrow button to go to the server.
If you are already in a game but looking to switch servers, these are the steps you need to follow:
- Press M on your keyboard to see the main menu.
- From the main menu options, select Travel. You should see more options on the right side of your screen.
- Tap on [Private-Servers] and enter one of private server code from this post.
- Now, press the TELEPORT button just below the area where you entered the code.
When you hit the TELEPORT button, you will be taken to a new server.
Why Aren’t Shindo Life Blaze Village Private Server Codes Working On Your Device?
If you have followed all the above steps but can’t get into a new server, probably you have made a typing mistake while entering the code. We suggest you copy the server code from this page and paste it on the game to avoid typo.
If the game does not take you to the server even after entering the correct code, most likely the server code you’re using is no longer valid. Try a different code.