The newest Pokemon game, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is has been out since November 2022. Players are able to collect the little pocket monsters on their Nintendo Switch platform. For the first time, they will be able to explore the vast open-world map of Paldea, where there are lots of old and new Pokemon to find.
You will need to catch these Pokemon using Poke Balls and build up your collection. As there are a lot of different types of Poke Balls, you might be wondering which to get. Special Poke Balls have specific benefits, which you can learn about. If you are looking to get Friend Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, we have a guide for you.
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Where to Find Friend Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Special Poke Balls have more features; you can find out more about the Friend Ball here. It is green on top, with red and yellow decorations. It has a Fling Damage of 0 Base Power and a Catch Rate of 1x.
These Poke Balls are scarce in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, as they have a very useful feature. When you catch a Pokemon with a Friend Ball in the wild, it will instantly become friendly toward you. This is because the Friendship Level of the Pokemon will be immediately set to 150.
This way, you will have an easier time evolving Pokemon that require a high Friendship. Catching it with a Friend Ball will speed up the process of evolution with the headstart of 150 Friendship points.
Friend Balls cannot be purchased, but there are other methods to obtain them. Below, you will find all the ways you can get Friend Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
260 Pokemon Registered in Pokedex
As you collect Pokemon across Paldea and fill up your Pokedex, you will get rewards at certain levels. One of these rewards is a Friend Ball, which you will get when you reach the milestone of 260 Pokemon. To unlock this reward, you will need to capture 260 different Pokemon and register them into the Pokedex. Note that you will not be able to use the Auto Battle method for registering new Pokemon.
There are around 400 Pokemon in the game, so you will need to play for quite a bit. Trading is a way through which you can speed up this process. Simply trade the Pokemon that you don’t have from other players. Once you have collected 260 Pokemon, you can pick up the Friend Ball in the Pokedex app’s rewards menu. You can access it by pressing the X button.
Academy Ace Tournaments
You can also get Friend Balls at Academy Ace Tournaments in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. These Tournaments are unlocked when you have completed the entire main story mission and defeated all eight of the Gym Leaders in a rematch. This is essentially part of the endgame content, but it is the only way you can get many Friend Balls.
You will need to participate in an Academy Ace Tournament and win to get rewards. You will be up against various powerful Pokemon and their trainers, so make sure you have the strongest team you can manage. One of the possible rewards of winning an Academy Ace Tournament is a Friend Ball.
Porto Marinada Auctions
Another method to get Friend Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is at the Porto Marinada auctions. You will need to unlock these by completing the Cascarrafa Gym Challenge as well as registering 260 Pokemon in your Pokedex. As these auctions have random items, you will need to wait until a Friend Ball is up for auction before you can bid for it.
If you want to speed things up, you can also manually reroll the auction by exiting the game on your console and forwarding the time by 72 minutes. When you see the Friend Ball offered as an item at the auction, you can claim it by bidding the highest amount in Poke Dollars. This is quite an expensive method, so make sure to try it only if you have enough Poke Dollars to spare.
Friend Balls are extremely helpful but just as rare. You might want to evolve a Pokemon quickly, so make sure to keep a stock of these. As you cannot buy them easily, try to complete more tournaments more often and bid as high as you can so that you have more Friend Balls. The goal is to build lasting friendships with your Pokemon and take them to higher levels.