Have you ever find that during your surfing from one webpage to another page, you were just got lost with the important one. Sometimes, you need to go back and search for the one which has important information. It is an awkward situation for anyone when they found it missing.
That is how it can help you to keep the necessary information handy and managed with managing bookmarks. There are numbers of bookmark management extensions are available, and out of them, some are very effective and comes with good features.
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Top 5 Chrome Extensions for Bookmark Management
The basic features of managing bookmarks are to keep surfed webpage with you to retrieve the information when you need it. Here are the best chrome extensions which help to manage your bookmark effectively and also provide extra features.
Evernote is available as wen extension, desktop application, and mobile application. It provides you to store your webpages and access it whenever you need it. The coolest feature about it is you can save the bookmark on your account or on the cloud. It is very easy to use.
When you need something which can save the articles from websites, snap from the webpages and texts, then Diigo is the best. If you love a plain, minimal, and old fashioned bookmark manager, then Diigo is the best. One of the key features of Diigo is you can label your saved bookmark and managed it well.
If your work allows you to have a lot of bookmarks, then it is very difficult to find that important bookmark when you have plenty of them. The Raindrop.io helps you to save your bookmark as well as also help in managing it well. It is available for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Opera browsers. Its sidebar panel makes it more accessible and easy to bookmark. The key feature of this bookmark extension is you can label your bookmark with icons and tags, so you access what you need out of many.
Bookmark Ninja
Bookmark Ninja is very clean and easy to use tool for managing bookmark management. It is not the web extension, but it is a web app that supports all the browsers on your Pc or on your mobile.
The main features of Bookmark Ninja are advanced tag management and clean UI. It provides you get a complete dashboard of saved bookmarks. You can access the bookmarks on different devices, and clean UI makes it easy for you without any confusion.
Qlearly – Tab and Bookmark Manager
After lots of research on various bookmark tools, we have decided to add Qlearly to our list. The important part of this bookmark manager is easy to use, saves tabs and bookmarks, and shortcuts to use it faster.
Its easy interface lets you save tabs and bookmarks easily, faster, and easily accessible. You can manage it with tags and share your bookmarks with your co-workers too.
It is very difficult for us to create a basket of this top 5 chrome extension for better bookmark management.
Let us know about how you manage your bookmark and which one works best for you by dropping below in the comment box.