Xiaomi has launched Mi LED TV 4a Pro last year in two screen sizes such as 32-inches and 43-inches. It comes with a quad-core 64-bit processor with Mali-450 MP3 GPU. While the TV packs a 1GB RAM and an 8GB of onboard storage. It runs on PatchWall UI based on Android TV Operating System out-of-the-box. Xiaomi has rolled out software updates to this model that can be easily installed via TV settings. But if you have the Mi LED Full HD TV (4a Pro) and want to flash the stock ROM, follow this easy guide. Here we have shared How to Install Stock Firmware on Mi TV 4a Pro [Firmware Flash File].
Some times after updating the software version or due to some third-party app conflicting issue, your Android Smart TV may become laggy. Even the TV performance can slow down like switching between channels or content, unsupported content, force closing, TV turn on/off Issue, etc. Therefore, installing the Stock Firmware again will fix most of the issues completely. Your Android TV will work like a charm again. If a new software update is available on your device then simply update it first and check out the changes or performance as well.
Page Contents
Mi TV 4a Pro Features:
CPU: Amlogic 64-bit Quad-Core
GPU: Mali 450 MP3
- UI: PatchWall
OS: Android 8.1 Oreo (Upgradable)
Internet Access: Yes
Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n (2.4GHz)
Bluetooth: V4.2
Video Profile: VP9 Profile 2, H.265, H264
Other Internet Features: Google Play Store, Chromecast Built-in, Play Movies, Google Assistant, File Manager, Media Player, TV Manager, TV Guide App, LIVE TV App
- Display Refresh Rate: 60Hz
- Sound: 20W DTS Stereo Sound (box type)
- Other Features: SPDIF, Ultra Bright HD Display, Patchwall, Google Voice Button in Remote, Technical Superiority with VP9-10 Codec for 4K Videos
Advantages of Installing Stock ROM
Here are some of the advantages of installing stock ROM on your Mi TV 4a Pro.
- It can easily unbrick your device.
- Fix the boot loop issue by installing the Stock ROM.
- You can upgrade or downgrade the TV software version.
- Fix bugs or lags on your Android TV UI (PatchWall).
- Installing Stock ROM will fix Wi-Fi, Bluetooth related issues.
Firmware Details:
Firmware File:
Device: Mi TV 4a Pro
Processor: Amlogic 64-bit Quad-Core CPU
Android OS: 9.0 Pie
Download Firmware:
Mi TV 4a Pro Stock Firmware – Link | Mirror
Steps to Install Stock Firmware on Mi TV 4a Pro
Before going to the firmware installation steps, let’s take a look at the pre-requirements first. Then follow the simple guide.
- This guide and firmware file is for the Mi TV 4a Pro model only. Don’t use it on other devices.
- Keep a fully formatted USB Pen drive for this flashing method.
- Download and extract the firmware file on your Pen drive as well.
- TV remote should be working.
Instructions to Install:
Now, follow the flashing process.
- After moving the extracted firmware file on your USB Pen drive, connect it with your TV via USB port.
- Now, switch off the TV and do the following things:
- Press and hold the Home + Menu button on your remote and turn on the TV together in order to boot into download mode via USB.
- It will start the firmware installation process on your TV automatically.
- You may have to wait for 10-15 minutes to complete the process. Have some patience.
- Once you’re done, reboot the Mi TV 4a Pro normally.
- That’s it. Enjoy!
We hope this guide is useful to you and you have successfully installed the stock firmware on your Mi TV 4a Pro. For any queries, let us know in the comments below.
There is no link for download the flash file.
Can we flash it to mitv 4a in order to get play store. I think hardware is same. Kindly check and reply email if possible. Thanks
Pls provide the download link
download link?????
Added the download link!…
i cannot find the firmware download link, i want to downgrade my mitv os
bro where is the link
Added the download link!…
Hi, i want to upgrade my mi tv4a to newer version. This firmware will work too? Thx
Where’s the download link
Added the download link!…
It’s fake No file is there
One who uploaded as removed the file. Is we get new one will Add it soon.
Mega says File is no longer available. Can fix this
Mega says File is no longer available. Can fix this
I want to unbrick my tv
Will upload new version link.
Can we have a flash ROM link for MI TV 4 Pro 55″ ?
Yes file deleted from mega, can you fix it?
Will upload new version
HI. DOES SOMEONE HAVE THE MI 4S FIRMWARE LINK FOR PATCHWALL 3.0? I bought a xiaomi TV from china mi 4s 55 inch and i think i need to install new software.. to view playstore