How To Tag Everyone on WhatsApp Group?

We are members of many Whatsapp groups that we rarely check out. Most of these groups are in mute mode and we rarely open these to check out new messages. Even when someone has something important to share, rarely a few people will check out the message. As a solution to this, users use the mention feature in Whatsapp groups to specifically message anyone they need to contact.

But sometimes, we need to connect to more than one person. In that case, you can use the @ symbol followed by the username of every user you want to address. But this could be a tedious task if the group is big and you need to mention several people. So here in this article, we will look at how one can mention all the members of a Whatsapp group with just a single message. So without any further ado, let’s get into it.


How To Tag Everyone on WhatsApp Group?

The common way to tag anyone in a Whatsapp group is to use the @ symbol followed by the user name. People who are unaware of the special trick will use this method to mention every member individually. This could take many minutes, especially if you tag close to 100 members.

So there is a feature called tag feature. If you enter .tag instead of @ symbol, you can add specific things with it to mention more than one person at once.

Suppose you need to mention only the admins of the group. Enter “.tag admin” in the message box and send it to the group. This will automatically mention all the group admins at once.

Next, if you need to mention only the members of the group who are not admins, you can use the “.tag notadmin” message. This will automatically mention all the group members who are not admins.

Finally, if you want to mention everyone in the group, including admins and regular members, you can use the “.tagall” message. This will automatically mention all the group members at once.

So this is how you can mention everyone in a Whatsapp group. If you have any questions or queries about this article, comment below, and we will reply. Also, check out our other articles on iPhone tips and tricks, Android tips and tricksPC tips and tricks, and much more for more helpful information.


  1. it is a really helpful tips for all the users around the world who are not aware of this function using whatsapp chat…. really appreciate

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