Stunlock Studios have done a great job by releasing V Rising as a survival open-world vampire hunting video game that offers jaw-dropping insane visuals and a stunning gaming experience at every moment. Well, most horror survival video games do offer mysteries and tactics to be safe in the gaming sessions. However, most of the players wish to get some ease for sure. Well, V Rising Console Commands and Cheat Codes are now available to enjoy.
It’s needless to say that majority of players in survival video games do wish to finish the line without too many difficulties or attempts. Now, if you’re one of them and getting tired of playing the game or completing a checkpoint after spending hours collecting resources to build your castle then don’t worry. Luckily, here we’ve shared a full list of console commands and cheat codes for the V Rising game so that you can easily play the game whatsoever.
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V Rising Console Commands and Cheat Codes
It’s worth mentioning that V Rising requires you to adjust the default game server for your hosting and accessing permissions first. Then you might be able to get a hands-on of the console commands and cheats. Here in this article, we’ll also share with you the steps to use commands and cheat accordingly. So, without wasting any more time, let’s jump into it.
1. Best Cheats and Console Commands List of V Rising
Obviously, there are plenty of console commands available in V Rising that offer different functions. We’ve managed to provide a list of the best or most commonly used console commands of V Rising for you. So, that you can easily start your gaming.
- addtime – Adds up to 12 in-game hours to leap in time, affecting the current in-game hour and the respawn timers of units and objects. Use this command in quick succession to add more time.
- adminauth – Provides access to commands such as ‘give‘ and ‘giveset‘.
- give (What, Amount) – Giving player (yourself) items:
- Give “[Name]Blood Essence – Item_BloodEssence_T01 – Guid: 862477668” 1000
- giveset (What) – Giving player (yourself) an item set (Tier 7 material kit):
- giveset Official_Materials_T07
- changedurability – Changes the durability of equipped items
- List – It basically offers a full list of all console commands.
- teleport (Who, Where, WorldPosX, WorldPosY)
- TeleportPlayerToMe (User)
- TeleportPlayerToMousePosition (User)
- TeleportToChunk (Unnamed Argument)
- TeleportToChunkWaypoint (Unnamed Argument)
- TeleportToPlayer (User)
- banuser (Steam ID)
- clanaccept
- clandecline
2. Full List of Console Commands and Cheat Codes in V Rising
- addtime – add up to 12 in-game hours to the clock, changing the time of day and respawn timers. Servers cannot go back in time, only forward.
- Adminauth – give admin status
- Admindeauth – remove admin status
- Alias (Alias, Command)
- Bancharacter (Character Name) – ban a player with that character name from the server
- Banned – lists all players who have been banned
- Banuser (Steam ID) – ban a player with that Steam ID from the server
- Bind (Key Combination, Command)
- changedurability – changes durability of equipped items
- changehealthofclosesttomouse – modifies the health of the target unit/object closest to the admin’s cursor, allowing admins to deal damage or heal targets.
- Clanaccept – accept clan invitation
- Clandecline – decline clan invitation
- Claninvite (Unnamed Argument) – invite player to your clan
- Connect (address or steamid, port, password) – connect to server
- Clear
- ClearTempBindings
- MultiCommand (Commands)
- ProfileInfo
- RemoveAlias (Alias)
- TempBind (Key Combination, Command)
- Unbind (Key Combination)
- adminonlydebugevents (Unnamed Argument)
- clanleave – leave clan
- ClientBuildingDebugging (Unnamed Argument)
- Connect (address or steamid, port, password)
- Copy (Command)
- CopyDebugDump
- CopyPositionDump
- CreateDebugDump
- CreatePerformanceDump
- DebugViewEnabled (Unnamed Argument)
- depthoffield (Unnamed Argument)
- disconnect – disconnect from server
- DumpArchetypeInformation (Which, Num to print, Full info)
- DumpBlobAssetMemoryInfo (Which)
- DumpChunkFragmentation (Which, ExtraDebugging)
- DumpComponentMemoryInfo (Which)
- DumpDynamicBufferMemoryInfo (Which)
- DumpEntity (World, Entity, Full Dump)
- DumpEntityQueries (Which)
- DumpEverything (Which)
- DumpPrefabGUIDEntities (World, Component, Include Disabled, Include Prefabs)
- DumpQueryArchetypes (Which, OnlyRequired, AlsoLogToConsole)
- DumpSystemMemory (Which, AlsoLogToConsole)
- garbageCollectArchetypes (Which)
- GatherAllAllies – teleports allies to mouse cursor position
- GatherAllAlliesExceptMe – teleports all allies but you to mouse cursor position
- GatherAllNonAllies – teleports all players who are not allies to mouse cursor position
- GatherAllPlayers – teleports all players to mouse cursor position
- GatherAllPlayersExceptMe – teleports all players but you to mouse cursor position
- gcCollect
- give (What, Amount)
- giveset (What)
- hidecursor (Unnamed Argument)
- JobThreads (Threads)
- kick (Character Name)
- kill – kills your character
- List (Optional: Category)
- listusers (Include Disconnected)
- localization (Language)
- logdestroyevents (Which, State)
- lowqualityatmosphere (Unnamed Argument)
- measureSystemPerformance (Unnamed Argument)
- motionblur (Unnamed Argument)
- OpenCrashDumpFolder
- OpenLogsFolder
- performanceTestChunks (Jump Distance, Test Mode)
- performchunkdefragmentation (Which)
- PlayerTeleport – teleports you to mouse cursor position
- printactivesequences
- printactivesounds
- printallsequences
- printdestroyevents (Which)
- PrintDynamicResSettings
- printsunvfxstate
- Reconnect
- setadminlevel (user, level)
- setmipmaplevel (Unnamed Argument, Unnamed Argument)
- setresolution (Unnamed Argument, Unnamed Argument)
- setsystemenabled (Which, Unnamed Argument, Enabled)
- startbuildwallpaper (Unnamed Argument)
- teleport (Who, Where, WorldPosX, WorldPosY)
- TeleportPlayerToMe (User) – teleports another player to your location
- TeleportPlayerToMousePosition (User) – teleports another player to mouse cursor position
- TeleportToChunk (Unnamed Argument) – teleports you to a chunk coordinate
- TeleportToChunkWaypoint (Unnamed Argument) – teleports you to a specific waypoint
Note: The TeleportToChunkWaypoint is really simple to use and allows you to travel across the map without a second thought. But you should know the waypoint locations that where you’re going and which position. So, the following details might be useful enough.
- Farbane Woods (Southeast) – 14, 8
- Farbane Woods (Southwest) – 8, 8
- Farbane Woods (West) – 9, 10
- Farbane Woods (Northeast) – 14, 11
- Dunley Farmlands (East) – 12, 15
- Dunley Farmlands (Southeast) – 13, 13
- Dunley Farmlands (Southwest) – 9, 13
- Silverlight Hills – 6, 16
- Cursed Forest – 13, 19
- Hallowed Mountains – 15, 13
- TeleportToNether – teleports you to Nether
- TeleportToPlayer (User) – teleports you to another player’s location
- texturestreamingenabled (Unnamed Argument)
- texturestreamingmaxlevelreduction (Unnamed Argument)
- texturestreamingmemorybudget (Unnamed Argument)
- toggleDebugViewCategory (Unnamed Argument)
- toggleobserve (Mode)
- ToggleSetting (Setting Name, Optional Setting Values)
- unban (User Index)
- unloadUnusedAssets
- useoptimizedqueries (Which, State)
Steps to Enable Console Commands and Cheats in V Rising
- Open the Steam client > Go to Library.
- Click on V Rising to open the play interface > Select Play to launch the game.
- Now, head over to ‘Options‘ in Main Menu / Pause Menu.
- Make sure to select ‘Console Enabled‘ and enable it by clicking on it. [You can find it under the General tab]
- Next, go back to the V Rising game > Press the Tilde key (the ` key below the Esc button on the keyboard).
- It’ll eventually open up the console menu. You can press the Tilde (`) key again to close it.
- As the console command feature is now enabled on your V Rising game, type adminauth and press Enter to enable admin access.
Steps to Use Console Commands and Cheats in V Rising
- First of all, open V Rising > Press the Tilde key (`) to open the console command menu from the game interface.
- Now, you’ll have to type List and press Tab to complete the auto-fill suggestion.
- Once done, press Enter to get the full list of console commands on the screen.
Note: If the cheat codes “give” and “giveset” don’t appear or don’t work properly in the console menu then the chances are high that somehow you don’t have the server permissions to access the commands. You should use “adminauth” and server admin status if you’re using a dedicated server for the game.
Now, you can follow the steps below to use a maximum of two parameters of the cheat codes.
- Open the console command by pressing the Tilde (`) key.
- Type give and press Space to see a list of potential functions on the screen.
- You should use the Up and Down arrow keys on the keyboard to select the particular cheat code from the list. [If you want, you can also type the item name]
- Once the item is found, type the number of items that you want to achieve and then hit Enter to complete the command. [You can also press the Tab key to complete the auto-fill if you’re typing the item name]
- You’re good to go.
That’s it, guys. We assume this guide was helpful to you. For further queries, you can comment below.