Blizzard’s highly successful title, World of Warcraft, has been around the market for a while. Normally, the publishers and developers work on sequels when the original is a big hit. But so far, we have not seen the sequel to the World of Warcraft.
So when will we see the World of Warcraft 2 in the retail market? When will the developers release it for the masses? And will the new title be available on several platforms like PS4, PS5, Xbox, and Switch? Let’s try to answer each of these questions in this article. So without any further ado, let’s get into it.
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World of Warcraft 2 Release date?
Yes, the original title has been a great hit among the masses, and it has a huge fan base. But there has been no news about a new title or a sequel. Since there is no announcement on it, we can assume that the game is not even under development. Even if Blizzard decides to release a sequel, it is still a few years away.
But in reality, there is more chance that we won’t see World of Warcraft 2 ever released for the masses. World of Warcraft is a game of service. This means that there is no need for a sequel since the developers can add to the original title. They can add anything they want without making an alternate title.
Blizzard has no reason to put extra work into making a new title because this is an evolving product. They make most of their money through the annual World of Warcraft subscriptions, and making a new title will only complicate things. They might make two different fan bases, and maintaining all of them will only be a hassle.
Release for PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC?
As mentioned above, there is little to no chance of World of Warcraft 2 in the market. But if the title makes its way to the market in the future, we will surely see a release for both PlayStation and Xbox. PC will undoubtedly get the upcoming title as well. Things are a little foggy regarding the Switch, and only time will be the answer for that.
We have nothing if we have to list confirmed news on the World of Warcraft 2 release date. There is no release date, rumors or leaks, or possible list of support devices and no reason for development. Yes, many World of Warcraft fans would love a sequel, but Blizzard has no reason to work on it now.
So this is all about the World of Warcraft 2 release date and supported devices. If you have any questions or queries about this article, comment below, and we will reply. Also, check out our other articles on iPhone tips and tricks, Android tips and tricks, PC tips and tricks, and much more for more helpful information.
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