All Satisfactory Cheats and Console commands: How to Access

In this tutorial, we will provide a comprehensive list of cheats and console commands used in the game Satisfactory. Though it may seem like a simple factory-building game, it offers much more than that. The game is set in an open-world exploration environment where you can explore and collect essential items to craft tools and machinery. As you progress in the game, challenges become more intriguing with each passing quest, starting with building the Space Elevator. Additionally, the game comes with a wide range of cheats that you can use to make your gameplay more interesting. This guide will outline all the cheats and console commands available in Satisfactory and provide the necessary steps to access them. Follow along to learn more.


All Satisfactory Cheats and Console commands: How to Access

How to Access

Before you make use of these cheats, there are some prerequisites that you need to be aware of. First, once you have launched the game, you must enable its console. For that, use the Ctrl + Shift + L shortcut key combinations. Once done, hit the Tilde button (~) to access the just-enabled console.

Do keep in mind that the game doesn’t save the last state of the console. Every time you launch the game, you must enable the console before accessing it. That said, here are all the cheats and console commands in the Satisfactory game that you could use immediately.

Satisfactory Cheat Codes:

  1. Locate items for crafting – materialFlowAnalysis recipeName[FString]
  2. Pause the game – Pause
  3. Deactivate/Activate Atmosphere – r.Atmosphere 0 or 1
  4. Deactivate/Activate Fog – r.Fog 0 or 1
  5. Change Brightness – Gamma (number)
  6. Kill the player – Suicide
  7. Show FPS Counter – Stat FPS
  8. Sets maximum framerate – t.MaxFPS [value]
  9. Kill the player – Suicide
  10. Sets the render distance of shadows – r.Shadow.DistanceScale
  11. Sets grass density – Grass.densityscale (number)
  12. Control LOD models Quality – foliage.LODDistanceScale
  13. Set Internal resolution scale – r.ScreenPercentage [percent]

Cheats and Console Commands

  • ? – This will display a full list of console commands
  • materialFlowAnalysis<item name> – used to find the items required for crafting an item in the game
  • r.Atmosphere<0 or 1> – alters the atmosphere – activates or deactivates it
  • r.Fog<0 or 1> – alters the fog – activates or deactivates it
  • r.ViewDistanceScale – used to set render distance for things like foliage, rocks, and trees
  • r.ScreenPercentage [percent] – used for setting the internal resolution scale depending on your PC build
  • r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight(a number between 0-1) – used to set the impact of the current internal frame on the final image
  • r.TemporalAAFilterSize – used to set the spread of the TAA samples. Values less than 1 will sharpen the image
  • r.TemporalAASamples<number> – used to set the number of samples for TAA to use
  • r.Tonemapper.Sharpen<number> – used to set the amount of a simple sharpen filter
  • Stat FPS – used to activate the FPS counter in-game
  • Stat Levels – used to display the  level streaming info
  • Stat Unit – used to display the Frame Time, Game Time, Draw Time, and other stats in-game
  • t.MaxFPS<number> – used to set the maximum framerate
  • FOV<number> – used to set the FOV
  • Suicide – used to respawn in the game

Can you also enter the console to see the full list of commands right inside the game?  However, the commands like Fly, Ghost, GiveItem, Cheats, and Teleport gave in this list don’t actually work. For now, the commands listed in our guide above will work well as a charm for anyone.

 Also ReadHow to Change Colors in Satisfactory


Summing up our guide, you first need to access the console to enter the cheats. You need to enable the console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + L on your keyboard and then accessing it by pressing the ¬(tilde) button. Then, all you have to do is choose the command you need and then enter it into the console. That said, we hope reading the guide above has brought some valuable information and help to you. Please let us know by commenting down below if you have any further queries regarding the same.

Also, check out our iPhone Tips and TricksPC tips and tricks, Android Tips, and Tricks if you’ve got queries for it or want help. Thank you!

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