Best Mods for Sons of the Forest

Sons of the Forest is an exciting survival horror game that is getting quite popular. It is equal to the popular game The Forest and has a similar storyline as well. The game has a vast open world where players can enjoy around, gather resources, build shelters, and defend against dangerous creatures to survive. However, players can enhance their gameplay experience by installing mods. This article will look at the best mods for Sons of the Forest.

The game Sons of the Forest takes you on a journey to uncover the mysteries of a mysterious horror island. The game requires you to build shelters and defend different horror entities, including wild animals, monsters, and other horror entities. While the game is entertaining on its own, there are certain mods that you can use to make it better. We will share some amazing and unique game mods available for the Sons f the Forest game below.


Best Mods for Sons of the Forest

Mods are special programs that can help you customize or modify certain games to help you add new features, improve the game’s graphics or change how the game works.

Simple Zoom

The game map for The Sons of the Forest is pretty huge, and it can be an added advantage if you can look far away without traversing the terrain. Simple Zoom gives you the ability to zoom in to see far-away objects or dangers. It’s almost like looking through a pair of binoculars.

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Faster Inventory Panning

When you open your inventory bag in the game, it can be a little slow for you to traverse through different items there. And in times when you need your weapons or other items in an emergency situation, it can be a little slow.

Faster Inventory Panning is exactly the type of mod that you need to save yourself from such situations. It allows you to adjust the inventory camera’s panning speed and FOV giving you flexibility and speed to choose inventory items.

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Environment Restoration


When you play around in-game, it’s obvious you or the other monster’s entities will destroy the vegetation and nearby trees. Environment Restoration is a mod that can help you restore such damage in one simple click. The mod keeps a copy of the original terrain, including vegetation and trees, so you can restore them easily whenever you need to.

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Optimized Settings

Not everyone has a supercomputer in their home to pay for every game in 8K HDR settings. But that doesn’t stop us from enjoying heady game titles such as The Sons of the Forest. Although there is a minimum PC spec requirement to play the game, this mod can help lower it to a level that can be played on every PC.

Optimisez Settings is a special optimization mod that can help you lower down few settings the run the game efficiently and crispy. People who don’t have a very high-spec PC should definitely try this mod and boost the game’s FPS and efficiency.

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SOTF Autosave

Are you worried about the fact that your game progress has not been saved? We all have been there when you forget to save the game progress, and the game crashes, or you fail a mission, and all the progress you worked so hard for is lost. But no more! As the SOTF Autosave mod will help you autosave your game every 5 minutes!! You can even configure it to save your game every 1 minute if you wish so.

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BepInExPack IL2CPP

BepInExPack is more like a modding tool instead of a mod itself. It gives you the power to alter some of the basic components in the Sons of the Forest game. You will be able to load custom code or plugins to extend the game’s functionality. There are several patches in-game methods.

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Every Item in the Backpack

The Sons of the Forest game is quite overwhelming and big, and there can be times when you need some inventory, and you don’t have it. This is exactly where this mod comes into the picture and will ensure you always have the inventory available. The mod does exactly what it says – makes every item available in your backpack. So you don’t have to worry about missing or low inventory – ever!

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Let there be light


Let’s not forget the fact that the game is made in the horror adventure category, so obviously, it’s incredibly dark. But it can be too dark for some players to comfortably roam around and do things their way. This is where the Let there be light mod comes in. This mod gives you the ability to increase your viewing ability in darer areas or in night and is very useful, especially if you are exploring caves and other areas which are relatively darker.

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In summary, installing mods can greatly enhance the gameplay experience of Sons of the Forest. With so many mods available, players can tailor their game to their liking and make the game more enjoyable, immersive, and exciting. Do let us know which one of the above mods you like the most.

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