Social media mainly consists of two kinds of people. One that communicates decently with other users using good behavior. The second group consists of rowdy users. They are keener on spreading hate and exchanging expletives in the comments section. If you use YouTube as a channel owner, then maybe once or twice you may have had the misfortune to face such creepos in your comment section. These guys don’t just target anyone person. They randomly spit venom at anyone they don’t like. To deal with them the best way is to block them or their YouTube channel.
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In this guide, I have explained the simple ways to block any YouTube channel from your PC and smartphone. Often people are not used to the internet and its technicalities. It means a lot of people use YouTube but they may not know how to block someone or report an inappropriate post. There is absolutely no reason why you should keep getting hate from some cyberbully. It’s better to block them straight-up.
How to Block a YouTube Channel
First, let’s check out how to use the block action from the desktop site of YouTube.
- Open YouTube
- Search for that YouTube channel that you want to block
- You may also find the channel from your comment section where they maybe spamming you or commenting hate comments.
- Simply click on their avatar ie. the round profile picture to access their channel
- Click on the About tab
- Then there will be a flag symbol. Click on it
- From the menu click on Block User
- A prompt will pop up saying that if you block the concerned YouTube channel, they won’t be able to comment on your videos.
- To confirm, click on Submit
Blocking Someone from Your Smartphone (Android/iOS)
Irrespective of whether you use an Android or iOS you can anytime block a YouTube channel that is causing a nuisance by spamming or cyberbullying of any sort.
- Launch YouTube
- Search for the YouTube channel that you want to add to your blocklist
- Tap on its profile picture to access it
- Tap on the 3-dot button on the top-right corner
- From the small menu that opens up, tap on Block User
- Then tap on Block to confirm the action.
The process of blocking someone’s YouTube channel is totally similar on both the desktop site as well as the mobile app. Depending upon whatever version of YouTube you use, go block any YouTube channel that is spamming your video’s comment section or spreading any kind of hate.