How to start an e-learning business online

In the era of modern technologies, we doing everything online. Our training also smoothly moved to the Internet. There are many online platforms, courses, and training videos. But how to find your place in the world of online education?

Define the sphere

Before you open your online courses, think about the area. Very important to understand the scope of your courses. Even if you do not teach personally, you have to understand the topic.

When you select the teachers of your courses, you need to understand how well the teacher owns the topic.

Does he have practical skills? Can he easily explain difficult information? Is it pleasant to communicate with a teacher?

The success of your courses depends on the person of the teacher. Not always, a great specialist has the ability to present information well and find a common language with students.

Analyze competitors

When you have chosen your niche, analyze competitors. It’s great if you can attend their courses. Often, competitors conduct free webinars and introductory courses. Look at them and find out what pros and cons they have. Read the reviews of their students. You will be able to find what they lack. This will allow you to create a truly useful product. “If you would like to learn more in this case, you can always check out a comprehensive Udacity review for additional information.”
After this one: “ELearning platforms for business like Udemy, Khan Academy, Udacity, or Skillshare are great places to find a large number of students.”

How to prepare the material?

Prepare the materials for students of your course. Course research and planning is the most important stage in education course creation. You won’t get a great course if you don’t have a plan.

Brainstorm through all the subtitles and subtopics that you would like to include in the course. 

Not always your teacher can professionally prepare lectures by himself, but you can get help. If you need to create and edit text you can ask ‘write my essay for me’ and professional writers can polish your lectures. Check out their profiles and improve academic success. After that, search on the internet and explore your topic as much as possible. You may have a big authority in this field, but any knowledge is developed and updated. It’s very important to explore what people are talking about online, asking, and educating on your topic. It helps you update your concepts and incorporate new subtopics, find new literature, and external links to add to your e-learning for business.

Make an interesting presentation of the material

After searching, you’ll probably have a lot of thoughts about what subtopics you can include in your first e-learning course. Develop these ideas even more. Arrange all these topics in a logical order and make a list. Try to create interesting material. Record a video on YouTube, and create short videos for TikTok. Design your lessons clearly and interestingly.

Determine the rubbing of your student

It is very important to understand who exactly may be interested in your course. Understanding the needs of your students is the key to success.

If you want to create a profitable eLearning business, the most important thing is to get to know your audience. Find out what their interests are, and come up with the best course idea.

If people see that you are solving a serious problem for them and that they will acquire new skills, they will want to buy your course.

A successful course is always:

  • Solves problems for others.
  • Teaches new skills.
  • Helps to achieve the goal.


How to engage students in the community?

The greatest value students can get is the community. Although the study is something of an individual process, but still requires support. Students like to connect with people who are learning the same things and prefer to share ideas with members of this community.

Also, as a teacher, you do not have all the solutions to all the questions. By creating a group around an online course, you help your audience become self-sufficient and rely on the group more than you do.

Create thematic groups in your online course, blog, or social media and begin discussions.

How to set the price for your courses?

Selling online courses is not an easy task. The course price should be attractive to your students and cost-effective for you. There is a direct correlation between how much you charge for your course and your students’ engagement rate. 

The higher you charge, the more interested learners will be.

When you make free content, students are less likely to trust it and not wait for results.

People should appreciate your knowledge. Free lessons are less motivating for learning.

As soon as people buy your course, they immediately feel the responsibility to see the result of their investment. So feel free to rate your course as it deserves, not below.

Tell the world about yourself.

Create a thematic blog and channel. Add to all possible professional groups.

You must be an active participant in events in your region and industry.

While no one knows you, create free useful videos. Take part in conferences.

Video recording and presentation tools

How would you like to submit your online course materials?

There are a few actions:

  • Share text content
  • Create video lectures
  • Set up a podcast or TikTok channel.


Text descriptions are easy to misinterpret. Your students will want you to complete each step to the end.

You will need to create a video recording and presentation to make eLearning for business.

Choose the right camera and microphone. We suggest you start small and grow as your audience grows.

Recording your first course with your laptop’s camera and microphone may be sufficient. If you want to upgrade to higher quality, you can rewrite it after you have your first paid students.

If you have an extra budget, you can purchase professional equipment for work.

Choosing an e-learning platform and downloading content. How do I create an online course?

The next step is to choose the right management system to host your academy and upload your course. ELearning platforms for business like Udemy, Khan Academy, Udacity, or Skillshare are great places to find a large number of students. But you can’t control your brand, pricing, marketing, and student data.

Course marketplaces will take a significant portion of your revenue and sell your competitors’ courses on the same page as yours. On the other hand, WordPress plugins help you create an online course, but in them, you may not find the variety of features that you can find on standalone platforms. They are also not very convenient.

Common mistakes to avoid

Long videos.

The duration of concentration of attention is reduced. Video courses should be less than 20 minutes, avoid lengthy and crowded videos.

Too much anxiety.

One of the worst mistakes. Do not worry too much about competitors, your audience, or the quality of your video, your course will never be implemented, and that’s the biggest one of your concerns. Without a start not possible to finish. Try to check your market, make a sample course and try to find your first buyer.

Forget about the testing.

Like all beginnings, testing the course with real customers is a good way to check mistakes. You may have forgotten to add some pictures, delete the graphic you mentioned before. When you create lessons, it is hard to indicate the mistakes due to the fact that you have read the text many times.


The most important thing is to realize exactly what you want to teach and what impact you want to make. If you are new to the world of e-learning, you may have many questions about creating an online course. All you need is imagination, creativity, and patience. If you have a passion for your sphere of competence, your success is a question of time. There are hundreds of tools and resources available to create an online course- use them.

Jessica Vang is dreaming to create her own e-learning course. She decided to ask for help preparing her study materials. Because the e-learning business requires a lot of effort. Her experience can provide necessary information to young professionals.

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