Find and Extract Crown Intel From the Ashika Power Plant on Ashika Island in Warzone 2 DMZ

If you are a Call of Duty: Warzone fan, you must know that Warzone Season 2 is finally here. With the new season comes exciting rewards, and players look forward to completing the DMZ missions to earn them. However, to complete these missions, you must accomplish various game tasks. One such task is finding and extracting the Ashika Island Crown Intel in Warzone 2 DMZ. So, in this guide, we will take you through how to do it.

The Warzone Season 2 has brought the Ashika Island map, which has introduced several new quests related to the island. You can complete the quests to earn rewards while exploring the new island. Among these quests is the Muddy Waters mission. You need to find and extract Crown Intel from the Ashika Power Plant. With this guide, you will complete the mission in no time and earn exciting rewards. Whether you are a seasoned Warzone player or a beginner, this guide will help you complete the task and move forward.

Find and Extract Crown Intel From the Ashika Power Plant on Ashika Island in Warzone 2 DMZ

Warzone 2 DMZ: How to Locate and Extract Crown Intel on Ashika Island

Warzone 2 is a popular online multiplayer game where players can engage in a variety of missions and challenges in a virtual battlefield. Completing these missions can be incredibly rewarding, but they can also be quite challenging, especially for new players. One such mission is the Muddy Waters mission, which requires players to locate and extract three items to complete it.

Completing Warzone 2 missions is not very challenging once you know the proper method, but without it, they can be confusing. Additionally, the new map, Ashika Island, may be unfamiliar to players, making it difficult to locate the Crown Intel without help. The Crown Intel is the third item you need to find for the Muddy Waters missions during a DMZ match in Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0. You can find it inside Ashika’s power plant, but reaching this location may take some time, and you’ll need a few items to get inside the building. The power plant is one of the strongholds on Ashika Island, and it is an isolated building located between Tsuki Castle and Oganikku Farm.

Completing the Ashika Island Intel mission requires players to complete three tasks in the game, which are as follows:

  • Locate and Extract Shadow Company Stick
  • Locate and Extract Ashika Island Intel
  • Locate and Extract Crown Intel

Each task requires players to explore different parts of the map, combat with enemies, and use their skills and weapons to complete the objectives. By completing the mission, players can gain valuable experience and rewards, which can help them progress through the game and unlock new items and features. So, let’s find out how you can complete the third task: Locate and Extract Crown Intel in the Muddy Waters mission in Warzone 2 DMZ.

How to complete the Muddy Waters mission in Warzone 2 DMZ

To begin, you will first need to complete the first task of locating and extracting the Shadow Company Stick. You can do this by going to the Beach Club (Southeast – F8) and diving into the water to find the observatory desk. Once you find the desk, retrieve the USB Stick from it and extract it.

Next, you must complete the second task by locating and extracting the Ashika Island Intel. To do so, go to the Beach Club (Northeast – F6) and enter the cave. Follow the zipline down into the waterways and locate the shipping container near the dead drop. Retrieve the Intel from the container and extract it.

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Locate and Extract Crown Intel

The final task is to locate and extract Crown Intel to complete the Muddy Waters mission. Here are the steps to follow.

  1. Begin at the Ashika power plant, located northwest of Tsuki Castle. It’s essential to note that the Ashika power plant is typically a stronghold, so you will need a Stronghold Key to enter it.
  2. If you don’t have a Stronghold Key, there are two options: Track down a High-Value Target and see if they drop one or purchase one from a Buy Station. Once you have the key, proceed to the power plant.
  3. Upon reaching the power plant, you will encounter multiple combatants. Clear out the stronghold and ensure that it is secure. This step is crucial as it will allow you to move around easily and without disruptions.
  4. After securing the area, proceed to the second floor and enter the power room overlooking the entrance. This is the room where you will find the Crown Intel document.
  5. Search for the “Crown Intel” document on the ground. It should be somewhere in the room, so take your time to look around.
  6. Once you have the Crown Intel document, the last step is to make your way to an Exfil location on the island and leave. This step is essential as it will complete the objective of the Muddy Waters mission.


That’s all you need to know about how to complete the Find and Extract the Crown Intel task in Warzone DMZ 2. We hope that this guide helped you locate and extract Crown Intel successfully. It’s essential to take your time and be cautious throughout the process to ensure your safety and successful mission completion.

The DMZ Missions add extra excitement to the game, and completing them will earn you exciting rewards. So, make sure to follow the steps carefully to ensure that you can participate in these missions.

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