In this tutorial, we have listed out some of the best Grim Dawn builds of the year 2023. While there are already quite a few action role-playing games, this title has managed to carve out a rich fanbase for itself. Offering fast-paced combative style gameplay, it has already gathered loads of positive reception. While on paper, the missions of collecting loot in the form of cash, armor, and weapons might sound a little straightforward, its intriguing gameplay and challenging quests have added much flare to the game.
Along the same lines, it also comes equipped with some handy builds. Some could easily outlast the others regarding their survival duration and the damage potential. In this guide, we will be mentioning all those builds that score high on both these factors. Furthermore, these builds will also have the ability to help you reach the later waves of the Shattered Realm and the potential to combat the sealed dungeons. This in turn will help you in defeating Mogdrogen (the secret god) as well. So without further ado, let’s get on with the list of the best Grim Dawn builds of this year.
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Grim Dawn Best Builds of 2023
Since there are already a plethora of builds available in the game, it gets quite difficult in selecting the best ones. In this regard, the below list shall help you out. Follow along.
This is regarded as one of the best builds for the experts. As the game progresses, you might face an uphill task with stronger enemies and bigger challenges, and this is where you need to call this build. Equipped with a heavy armory and shield, it could handle deadly attacks with ease.
Furthermore, if you are playing the game in the Ultimate Mode, then this should be your go-to build. However, if you are in the initial stages of the game, then you might not need this build, however, it’s never a bad idea to have it in your arsenal.
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Likewise, it is also one of the strongest builds and scores an impressive rank, thanks to its ability to carry out and sustain deadly attacks. On that note, if you are into melee combat or plan on using pet summons, then this build should definitely be on top of your priority list.
Add to the fact that it is among the most physically imposing character and has the ability to summon creatures, well, we couldn’t have asked for more. Then its special two-handed weapon attacks have the power to inflict deep internal trauma. Furthermore, this build focuses on having a briar thorn, a blight fiend, 8 skeletons, and a primal spirit.
Also Read: Grim Dawn Best Classes
As Ritualist is a combination of Shaman + Necromancer, the skills for the latter definitely deserves a mention. These include 10 Reaping Strikes, 12 Necrotic Edge, 4 Call of the Grave, 1 Rotting Fumes, 12 Will of the Crypt, 16 Raised Skeletons, 12 Undead legion, and a Blight Burst.
On the other hand, the Shaman skills include 12 Brute Force, 4 Ground Slam, 10 Feral Hunger, Primal Bond 12, 16 Summon Briarthorn, and 6 Conjure Primal Spirit. Well, all these are sufficient to justify its position on our list of the best Grim Dawn builds of 2023.
Bleeding Build
As soon as you have reached the warder level of 100, then this build will be the need of the hour. With its USP of constant speeds on the trash and its offering of the big bleeding sticks, it might prove to be quite a handy build. On the downside, it offers very little resistance to combats or attacks. So choose it wisely.
It has been one of the favorite builds for a lot of users, mainly because of its flexibility. In other words, since it could easily be used in subclasses, users prefer to give it a try. But that is just one of the many perks. Having a powerful attack supported by Cadencea and the ability to carry out Pump Vitality and Vitality Decay damages is enough to checkmark most of the prerequisites.
Not to mention the fact that the Bat, Wendigo, and Veilwarden should all be looked upon when it comes to the constellation. Well, all this goes on the prove that its high stature is totally justified and as a result, it has earned a place in this list of the best Grim Dawn builds.
Death Knight
Thinking about pairing with other new classes, well then look no further than the Death Knight build. Having an impressive intellect, it straightaway translates to its ability to incur maximum damage apart from surviving many deadly attacks. It also makes sure that your character remains unscratched, that is, it doesn’t get inflicted with many attacks.
Talking about the latter, well his attacks more often than not turn out to be deadly vicious as well. However, the fact that there are no standard leveling guides might prove to be somewhat of a downside for some. Anyways, its perks outweigh its negatives and hence it sits comfortably in this list of the best Grim Dawn builds of 2023.
It boasts of an excellent synergy with poison and acid after you have paired it up with the Nighblade mastery. We would recommend you use the items that end up increasing the overall acid damage capability. In this regard, the Rat, Eye Of The Guardian, Scorpion, Manticore, Murmur, Abomination, and Yugol The Insatiable Night will definitely come in handy.
Some of its skills from the OathKeepr side include 12 Consecration, 2 Haven, 2 Ascension, 1 Scion of Dreeg, 1 Dreeg’s Reproach, 5 Retribution, 12 presence of Virtue, 2 Rebuke, 2 Summon Guardian of Empryion among others.
On the Nightblade side, you get 5 Dual Blades, 3 Belgothain Sheers, 12 Lethal Assault, 16 Amastara’s Blade Burst, 10 Veil of Shadow, 10 Night’s Chill, and 12 Merciless Repertoire. You could also consider switching between Amastara’s Blade Burst and Righteous Fervor. This is because these two Skills from the Nightblade and Oath keeper sides have the ability to inflict maximum damage.
Making use of the Lightning (along with Cunning and Spirit) for attacking purposes, carrying out the AoE attack, and coupled with weapons in both hands, well, there’s a lot to talk about in this build. Moreover, if you have a few extra goodies in hand, then consider spending them on Menhir’s Will (Soldier wouldn’t be a bad idea either).
You could also use the resistance boosters to further concrete your defence. Likewise, it’s also important to check your health, for which the Mogdrogen’s Pact and Heart of the Wild would come in handy. All in all, its inclusion in this list of the best Grim Dawn builds was quite easy for us.
Conjurer Summoner Build
Cursing a plethora of monsters at one attempt is no easy task, we get it and so does this build. Hence, the next time you try out the task mentioned above, consider calling out the Conjurer Summoner Build. Furthermore, if you plan on looting, the build’s handy little pet monsters should come in handy. These monsters will do all the work for you and you only have to collect the loots from them at the end.
Vindicator Build
This build comes with a mixed feeling of sorts. On the plus side, Vindicator Build has a plentitude of benefits. These include the ability to switch to a toad without any fuss and the ease of increasing its maximum charge ends up cementing its place in the list of the best Grim Dawn builds of 2023.
Just keep in mind to change its devotions, before you end up adding more to the charge. However, there are some users who prefer to keep a safe distance from this build, and end up calling it among the most challenging ones. Well, it ultimately depends on an individual’s perspective and we respect each one of them.
Nightmare’s Vitality Cabalist
Similar to the Ritualist, you might need to call this build during the latter stages of the game. Its efficacy in managing tough and enduring challenges plus its USP of “Dominating the Endgame” goes a great length in helping you out during the difficult phases of the game. Then its ability to improvise and double the attack adds up more flair to this already well-known build.
Dervish has among the best offensive abilities among all the builds mentioned in this list. While its attacks are no doubt quite powerful, but that’s just the beginning. To maximize its full potential, make sure you end up using the correct skill and gears. Add to the fact that it has some of the most impressive abilities to dodge attacks and the reasons for its inclusion in this list of best Grim Dawn builds are pretty straightforward. But that’s not all. His strong armor only adds to his overall health, thereby making him more much capable in terms of sustaining deadly attacks.
Bloody Pox Build
A fast devour and the ability to quickly debuff swarms adds up to your overall strength. This in turn lessens the impact of the damage and also ends up adding more strength to your character. However, if at any point in time you consider upgrading this build, then you will have to make use of the Heart of Oak. Or it could also be done using the Wendigo totem.
Well, another reason why we included Bloody Pox Build to this list of best Grim Dawn builds is the ease with which you could double its effect, simply by using the Soldier’s retaliation effect. Then using the Empty Throne devotion or taking up afflictions like riding on the Chariot of the Dead further adds to the intriguing factor.
Next up in our list of the best Grim Dawn builds is Spellbreaker. Making full use of the Flash Freeze, Blade Spirit, and Trozan’s Sky Shard, it’s no hidden secret why this build is best suited for Cold damage. Furthermore, its TSS rolling is also worthy of your attention. Whenever you see a bunch of enemies congregated at one place, then use TSS without a second thought.
But what about a caster? Well, the Sphere of Protection and Pneumatic Burst have it covered. Now if we talk about Tsunami, you could definitely look forward to Tsunami and Amatok. The latter might come in handy for the Spirit of Winter.
Lightning Build
The Lightning Build is one for the starters. If during the initial phases of the game you aren’t able to get hold of any handy gears, then look no further than the Lightning build. First and foremost, it goes for the warder rather than choosing the Elementalist. This will definitely be appreciated by quite a lot of users. But the perks don’t end here. Its benefits at wartime, blitz, strong resistance and the ability to reduce the overall impact of the damage make it a perfect build for the newcomers.
As part of the Occultist/Demolitionist build, there are high chances of inflicting Chaos and Vitality damage with the help of the Solael’s Witchfire. As you might have guessed, you always have the option of using Stun Jacks or Flashbang. But before that, make sure you are equipped with weapons in both your arms.
Furthermore, if they have long-range capabilities, then it could well prove to be the icing on the cake. Likewise, if you prefer to jump into the multiplayer domain, then don’t forget to check out Summon Familiar and Mend Flesh. This, coupled with either the Hellhound or Doom Bolt would definitely give you a cutting edge over your competitors.
This list of the best Grim Dawn builds would have been incomplete without mentioning Inquisitor. Similar to the aforementioned Lightning build, this one is also among the favourites for the newcomers. It has streamlined the entire process and made it quite easy for the users to try out this build in the deadly combats. The only downside, if you would like to call one, is the fact that it might not prove to be quite useful in the later stages of the game, but that’s quite understandable.
So with this, we conclude the guide on the best Grim Dawn builds of 2023. The builds mentioned in this list depend on your individual preferences and the level you are on. Apart from that, the combat moves you chose, and the attacks you prefer also go a great length in shaping your decision. That said, let us know your preferred build from the ones we mentioned above. Likewise, here are some iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks that you should check out as well.