With tough competition between smartphones all around the world, Vivo has launched its latest smartphone on 3rd May 2019. The latest Vivo S1 Pro comes with the exceptional build quality and latest android 9.0 Pie. Its an allrounder smartphone for mid-range segment buyers. Its priced at approx 20,000 INR which means the device might come with IP68 waterproof certification.
Vivo has always tried to give the best to its customers. However, when a customer is paying 20,000 INR for a smartphone, he/she at least expect IP67 splashproof protection for the device. Today in this post, we will conduct a Vivo S1 Pro waterproof test to find out whether this new smartphone by Vivo is waterproof or not.
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Is Vivo S1 Pro Waterproof smartphone?
Vivo has launched many waterproof smartphones this year and it will not be a surprise if the latest Vivo S1 Pro comes with IP68 waterproof rating. Modern customers do demand a waterproof smartphone since they want to enjoy the experience of underwater photography, placing calls in rain, etc.
A waterproof smartphone is a kind of smartphone which can resist any possible water damage. You might have seen some devices which immediately gets damage when they come in contact with water. This is not true at all for waterproof smartphones.
According to the official website, there are no details mentioned for splashproof or waterproof rating for this device. This indicates that the device is not splashproof or waterproof by any means. However, we will still conduct the Vivo S1 Pro Waterproof test to find out for sure.
Vivo S1 Pro Waterproof test
In this waterproof test, we are going to put the device in water for 1 minute in a small water tank. After 1 minute, we will test the device for any abnormalities. This test will give us a rough idea whether the new Vivo S1 Pro is waterproof or not. Before we go on with Vivo S1 Pro waterproof test, let’s check the device specifications:
Device Name | Vivo S1 Pro |
Screen | 6.39-inch | resolution of 1080×2340 |
Processor | Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 |
RAM/ROM | 8 GB / 128 GB |
Battery | 3,700mAh battery. |
Primary Camera | 48 MP (megapixels) |
IP67/68 waterproof ratings | None found |
This test is purely based on individual/team observation. This test will only give an idea whether a device is waterproof or not. So users are advised not to try this at home, as it might damage your device.
After conducting the Vivo S1 Pro waterproof test, we can conclude that the device is splashproof and dustproof to some extent. It failed our water immersion test. So Vivo S1 Pro is not completely waterproof.
Camera | No issue |
Screen | flicking screen problem |
Speaker | Distorted sound |
How to care for Vivo S1 Pro
Since Vivo S1 Pro is not a waterproof smartphone, you cannot use it under water. Also, you need to take special care while you’re near water bodies. Down below are a few things you should take care of:
- Don’t make or receive calls while its raining or you’re in the shower.
- Use a waterproof pouch if you’re near a pond, swimming pool or a water park.
- Don’t try to wash your device with tap water
- Do not try to take underwater pictures or selfies with Vivo S1 Pro.
- If accidentally device comes in contact with water, dip the device in a jar full of rice for 1 hour.