Gear Tactics is a turn-based video game, developed by Splash Games and published by Xbox Studios. As it is the latest, it is currently available only to Microsoft Windows, while a version for Xbox One is in development. The excitement of this game can clearly be felt as the game is being pre-ordered. Moreover, there is a special Xbox Pass that lets users pre-install the game on their systems.
Talking about the pre-installation, users are facing an issue, they are unable to pre-install the game with the help of game pass from Xbox, and whenever they are trying to do so. They are experiencing an error code 0x00000001. We would like to add that, and we have seen this error code earlier in Gears 5 as well. If you are experiencing the same trouble, look no further as we have got what you need. So let’s gets started.
How to Fix Error 0x00000001?
The error code 0x00000001 is an installation error code, and it also signifies that the game services that are required by Gear Tactics are unable to synchronize with the installation as well as running the game. But don’t worry as we have the fix for this. Just follow the steps below, and they will help you with the installation of game services as well as starting them.
- First of all, launch Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
- Then type this code in PowerShell window: “get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers” and press enter.
- This process will take a few minutes, wait for a while.
- Now in the same window type this command: “start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN” and press enter key.
- After this, restart your computer and install the game again.
Now you won’t see the error code 0x00000001 popping up.
This guide was to help the players of Gear Tactics who were unable to pre-install the game and were experiencing an error code 0x00000001 during this. After following our guide, they will be able to eliminate this issue. We hope this guide helped you. If you have any queries or feedback, feel free to comment down below with your Name and E-mail ID. Likewise, check out our iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks for more such tips and tricks. We urge you to participate in the $100 giveaway by subscribing to our YouTube Channel. Thank You.