In War Thunder, there are several Tanks players can choose from. Therefore, we will be making a list based on Tiers such as S, A, B, C, and so on. As of 2022, the gaming community is vast, and many games are being released every day for players to try out. Without a doubt, War Thunder is one the best, if not, the best, Next Generation MMO Military based game.
The game has become very popular over the years and is one of the most-played games on Steam, with over 50,000 players every day at the peak. Players new to the game as well as returning players are having a hard time choosing the right Tanks to fit their playstyle. However, in this article, we aim to help the players with a Tier list of Tanks.
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B Tier List Tanks in War Thunder
Tanks mentioned in this Tier are some good choices for players to start the game with. They offer great mobility as well as activeness on the battlegrounds.
The T-50 was a light infantry tank built by the Soviet Union at the beginning of World War II. The T-50 is a perfect choice for flanking enemies while other beefier tanks soak up the gunfire and attention from the enemy who can also be outmaneuvered with ease. This scout tank is also great for something as high as BR 2. It has a reload speed of 3.9 seconds with a speed of 72km/hour.
CV 90120
This Tank was developed by the RUAG (Rüstungs Unternehmen Aktiengesellschaft). This Tank is a Swedish invention. It directly competes with the Challenger 2 for a sniper position. Since it is a Sniper based Tank, it is easily able to obliterate enemies from a distance, it has amazing reload times and it is very mobile as well.
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The Tank is made up of very weak armor, thus, can be flanked easily by other tanks. It is best to avoid frontlines with this Tank. It has a reload speed of 5 seconds with a speed of 87km/hour.
Ariete PSO
One of the best medium tanks introduced in the game, this Tank is a well-rounded combat Tank in the field with strong penetration. It can also quickly shift from target to target in quick succession because of its heavy firepower. This Tank only falls behind when it comes to mobility. It has a reload speed of 6 seconds with a speed of 73km/hour.
A Tier List Tanks in War Thunder
These Tanks are built well, can sustain heavy hits with decent mobility, and also offer a great frontline defense capability.
The ZTZ96A or the Type 96 Tank is a Chinese Second Generation Tank. This Tank is able to boast its very strong ammunition type in the game. The Tank is able to protect its assets very well and the armor present in it is top-notch as well.
It is one of the better Frontline tanks with great mobility. It has a reload speed of 7.1 seconds with a speed of 66km/hour.
Leopard 2K
The Leopard 2K is a Rank VI German Medium Tank with a battle rating of 9.7. This Tank is a solid choice for players that are appearing near the end-game stages. It is a pretty agile tank and also delivers heavy blows to the enemy, perfect for hit-and-run cases.
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Viable for players that are into flank/damage type style of gameplay. It has a reload speed of 6.7 seconds with a speed of 78km/hour.
The T-64B is a Soviet second-generation main battle Tank. This Tank has a battle rating of 9.7 while being classified as a medium tank. Many Tanks are not able to match the survivability of the T-64B, it also has two smoke screens with extra armor which allows players room to solve their mistakes on the go. It has a reload speed of 7.1 seconds with a speed of 68km/hour.
S Tier List Tanks in War Thunder
These are the best Tanks available to players in the game amongst others. Great mobility, damage, and defense and are the perfect choices for BR games.
Vickers Mk.7
The Vickers MBT followed on from a 24-tonne 20-pdr gunned tank which was designed for export purposes. The Vickers Mk.7 comes equipped with aiming aids from thermal to night vision and also a laser rangefinder.
When paired with a stabilizer, which makes the Vickers a viable tank for sniping some enemy tanks from afar, which is an awesome capability for a medium-rated tank. It has a reload speed of 6 seconds with a speed of 80km/hour.
Panzer IV H
The Panzerkampfwagen IV, which is more commonly known as the Panzer IV, was a German medium Tank. It is one of the more iconic Tanks that exists to date. It is able to destroy almost any tank in its BR with no problems whatsoever.
It is not as mobile as it seems to be but hits the enemy well. A great choice for players that wish to Tank and damage enemies at the same time. It has a reload speed of 8.7 seconds with a speed of 43km/hour.
M1A2 Abrams
The M1A2 Abrams is a third-generation American main battle tank. This Tank is an all-rounder which has decent mobility, armor, and firepower, thus, making it a popular choice among experienced players that are good at playing all roles.
This Tank stands out in our list and therefore is our go-to choice in War Thunder. It has a reload speed of 6 seconds with a speed of 76km/hour.
This brings us to the end of this War Thunder Tanks Tier List. Please note that we haven’t listed all the tanks, but the best are based on their strength, power, and attack availability in a custom tier list. In case you feel we should add any of your favorite tanks to this list, comment down below.