How to Disable the Red Badge Circle on System Preferences in macOS?

Whenever any new OS is released, your Mac System Preferences show you the red badge circle. Some Mac users find it helpful to get notified for each new update released. It is necessary to keep your Mac OS updated with the latest OS update. Sometimes, it is vexatious to see the red badge circle on the system preferences icon. Particularly, when you are purposely avoiding the newest Mac OS update.

Mac users disable the notifications and prompt for Mac Catalina update but still see the red badge circle on system preferences. In this article, we will take you through the step by step guide to disable the red badge circle on system preferences in Mac OS.

How to Disable the Red Badge Circle on System Preferences in Mac OS?

You can disable the red badge circle with the help of terminal in Mac. If you are not aware of command-line, then please avoid using it as that is for advanced Mac users.

  1. Open the Terminal application on your Mac.
  2. Enter the syntax exactly in command-line. Suntax: defaults write AttentionPrefBundleIDs 0 && killall Dock
  3. Hit return button, the dock will refresh itself and the red badge not visible anymore on system preferences icon.
  4. Exit from the terminal once you finished.

Majority of the Mac users do not disable this feature, as they want to gear up their Mac system with the latest updates available. This feature is beneficial to those who install selective updates or do not want to see the red badge circle at all.

You can break the syntax and enter separately too.

Enter the below syntax for disabling the red badge circle.

Syntax: defaults write AttentionPrefBundleIDs 0

After that enter below syntax to refresh the Mac dock with killall Dock command.

Syntax: killall Dock

The end effect will be the same. It removes the red badge circle from the system preferences icon on Mac OS.

How to Enable the Red Badge Circle on System Preferences in Mac OS again?

To enable the red badge circle, you need to change the value from “0” to “1” in the syntax.

Syntax: defaults write AttentionPrefBundleIDs 1 && killall Dock

Press the return button. It refreshes the Dock on Mac shows you the red badge icon.

This specific feature handled to eliminate only the red badge circle of the system preferences icon with the terminal application. If you see any red badge circle on other applications, then you can remove it by adjusting the notification settings. It means you don’t need a terminal application, to disappear the red badge circle for other application.

It works in modern Mac OS where system preferences delivered the update notifications for any new Mac OS release. It will not work in earlier Mac OS X release, where updates notified by the app store.

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