How to Install Stock Firmware on Any Huawei Smartphones: A Comprehensive Guide

Huawei, a leading Chinese OEM, offers its EMUI skin for devices running on Android, bringing a plethora of improvements and features. Despite the robustness of the official stock firmware, Huawei users might encounter issues over time, such as performance drops, glitches, battery drainage, and more. If you’re facing these problems, this guide will walk you through how to install stock firmware on your Huawei smartphone, helping you restore it to optimal performance.

Stock firmware is the stable, bloatware-free software designed specifically for your device, ensuring that hardware and software work seamlessly together. However, some users venture into customizations, rooting, or flashing custom ROMs, which can sometimes lead to bricked devices or boot loops. If you find yourself in such a situation, reinstalling the stock ROM is often the best solution. This guide will show you how to do just that, using both the Normal Upgrade and Force Upgrade methods.

Full Guide on How to Install Stock Firmware on Huawei Smartphone

Why Install Stock Firmware on Huawei Devices?

  • Unbrick Your Device: Restore your Huawei smartphone from a bricked state.
  • Fix Boot Loop Issues: Solve persistent boot loops by reinstalling the stock ROM.
  • Upgrade or Downgrade Firmware: Easily upgrade or downgrade your device’s firmware.
  • Unroot and Fix Bugs: Remove root access and fix any bugs caused by customizations.
  • Improve Performance: Address lag, stutter, and other performance issues by flashing stock firmware.
  • Enhance Stability: Reinstalling stock ROM ensures better stability and security for your device.
  • Restore Warranty: Reverting to stock firmware may help you regain your device’s warranty.

Full Guide to Flash Huawei Firmware Using Normal and Force Upgrade Methods


  • This guide is specifically for Huawei users.
  • Ensure you have a MicroSD card (8GB or more) or sufficient internal memory space.
  • A MicroSD card from Sandisk, Kingston, or Kingmax is recommended for stability.
  • Your device should have at least 30% battery life before starting the upgrade process.
  • Back up all important data as the upgrade process may erase your user data.
  • Ensure that the latest USB drivers are installed on your PC.
  • Extract the UPDATE.APP file from the SDupdate_Package.tar.gz before proceeding.

Normal Upgrade Process:

  1. Download the Update Package: Ensure you have the correct firmware for your Huawei device.
  2. Optional: Format the MicroSD card for better performance.
  3. Unzip the Update Package: Extract the dload folder containing UPDATE.APP.
  4. Copy to MicroSD: Place the dload folder at the root directory of your MicroSD card.
  5. Initiate the Upgrade:
    • Open the dialer and enter: *#*#2846579#*#*.
    • Navigate to ProjectMenu -> Software Upgrade -> SDCard Upgrade -> OK.upgrade process
    • Select the UPDATE.APP file from the root directory of your SD card.
  6. Wait for Installation: The phone will display the installation process. Once completed, the device will restart automatically.Progress Huawei
  7. Flash Data File (If Available):
    • Delete the existing UPDATE.APP from the dload folder.
    • Move the new update_data_Xxxxx file into the dload folder.
    • Repeat the upgrade process from steps 4 to 8.

Force Upgrade Process:

  1. Download the Update Package: Ensure you have the correct firmware for your Huawei device.
  2. Optional: Format the MicroSD card for better performance.
  3. Unzip the Update Package: Extract the dload folder containing UPDATE.APP.
  4. Copy to MicroSD: Place the dload folder at the root directory of your MicroSD card.
  5. Power Off Your Device: Ensure the device is completely turned off.
  6. Enter Software Upgrade Mode:
    • Press and hold the VOLUME UP, VOLUME DOWN, and POWER buttons simultaneously.
    • The device will enter Software Upgrade Mode and start flashing the firmware.Progress Huawei
  7. Automatic Reboot: Once the installation is complete, the phone will restart automatically.
  8. Flash Data File (If Available): Follow the Normal Upgrade steps to flash the data file.

Verifying the Update

To ensure that the update was successful, go to Settings -> About phone -> Build number and check that the firmware version matches the one you installed.

build number

Guide to Extract the UPDATE.APP from Stock Huawei Firmware

If the above methods don’t work, you may need to extract the UPDATE.APP file from the firmware package using the Huawei Firmware Extractor Tool.

How to Extract and Install the file from Huawei Firmware package

This method is effective 99% of the time and should help you successfully flash the stock firmware on your Huawei device.


  1. Thank you so much. Just downgraded my Honor 9 from B133 to be B124. I have downloaded B124 Asia and follow dload step. Thank you guy.

  2. Esto es una payasada. Si no habeis probado si funciona o no.
    Habeis copiado lo que habeis encontrado por la web y punto.
    Otro dia comprobarlo y despues escribir el articulo.
    Anda que como alguien joda el movil por culpa de esta gilipollez de articulo, veras que gracia.
    Gracias por nada.

    1. Yo lo e hecho entendiendo su idea, pero tengo que decir que tienes razón… ellos no lo han comprobado porque tal y como lo describen les dara error =D , de todas maneras mientras mantengan un buen BackUp y la ROOM del kernel no tendrían porque tener problemas a volver a su estado normal…

  3. HEllo, i just want to flash a full stock rom to my p10. but it did not work.

    1. in which format i had to format the sd Card? if i use fat32 the file is to big, if i used ntfs or exfat the flashing get an error @5%? I allready install twrp and root…..

    2. Point 6 i dont understand. I have to make a Foldes called dload and extract the hole update zip?
    Or what do you mean with:
    └ —> dload
    ├ –> DUK-L09_hw_eu│ └ –> update_data_hw_

    ├–> UPDATE.APP

    Please get an answer hear or write a email. thx

    1. 1. We just recommend to format, though it is not important to format SD card.

      2. You need to create dload folder first. Now extract the zip file called and move the file from the extracted folder to the newly created folder inside your internal memory. Remember you need to create DLOAD Folder on your root of SD Card.

      1. Hi Razzaq
        Lets get it more clear,
        Should I create a dload folder in internal memory of my Huawei P10, and move the file into that folder? Should Other files remain in extracted folder in SD Card?


        1. Move the from extracted folder to dload folder (Create the folder in the internal memory), once you have updated, then you can extract the data file(if you have) on the same folder and update.

          1. this is very confusing ab razaaq, there is a contradictions in your steps

            could you please update the steps more clearly

      2. 4gb>Fat32=no copy never copy all roms why 4gb bigger whyyyyyyy mu mate 10 lite brick please help me please

  4. 2 dload Folders? One in internal, one in external sd Card? Iam confused.. Maybe a video Totorial is fine :-)

  5. File never finished downloading gets to 99℅ then fails every time I try I just want my p10 operational again wish huawei would just post the official stock firmware already

  6. i cant boot into main screen so how im going to change the setting from Upgrading from SD Card?
    Please advise?

      1. Os três números após a letra “C” indicam a região de distribuição do OS… pode não funcionar. C432 é para Europa Ocidental, o C636 é para Asia.

        1. Olá, preciso de ajuda, tenho um huawei g9 litle comprado na china, como posso fazer para por a internet (google), onde posso obter o firmware?

  7. please help me . i installed the update file and now i have android 6.0 and imui 4.1.3 but is strange the update is for android 7. i don’t know how to install the second file mtn full because there isn’t the file that start the process . Plese be so kind to answer to my wiestion it will help me really so much . Thamk you

  8. please help me i installed the with dload folder normal mode but i still have android 6 and inui 4.1.3 and not android 7. i don’t know how to install the second update file mtn full because it hasn’t file inside and nothing started . please be so,kind to explain to me what is wrong and how to install android seven. the really strange things is that the build installed is the b180 but android in 6.0 . help me please i think i don’t know how to install the second update .

  9. Has this method been tested fully – I followed the instructions to the letter and my update fails at 5% as some others have also indicated. Any reply / solution on this issue ? Do we need to install a custom recovery (vs stock) to get this to work?

  10. The UPDATE.APP inside update_data_hw_ is about 172MB and the one inside is 4,97GB. The first stucks at 5% and the large one I can’t copy to the root directory, cause it is more than 4GB.
    Thank you.

  11. please, my honor 8 is China region unlock phone. when i receive new update alert and click to download after download the update it automatically install, when finish installation the screen went off and it on back it now showing me, hauwei erecovery EMUI download latest version and recovery. I try to download again is not working. i go to website I got software for update, after update is now booting to language option after setting process up to fingerprint enrollment, then, i click skip it ll go back to language option again. i can’t get to home screen. previous version is FRD-AL19 EMUI 5.0 android 7. but now it roll back to FRD-AL10 EMUI 4.1 android 6. pls, help me how can I get complete Rom Firmware update that compatible software for it? thank:>

  12. bonjour est il possible d installer cette rom officiel européenne sur un rom avec surcouche orange sur un huawei p10

  13. Para recibir actualización via OTA ¿aque región devo configurar mi móvil y cual sería la actualización para mi huawei Y5ll?

  14. Hi
    I have a Mate 9 that is rooted and has twrp installed, will this method put it straight back to stock? That is what I am wanting,,,,

    1. You should flash the OFFICAL recovery to recovery your system.If your model is not changed,you can use the Hi-Suite to recovery the full system.You can also try EREC,but it may fail

  15. For the P20 Pro, there is no SD card. I placed the in the dload folder in root of internal memory. The reboot to recovery method fails and the project menu method gives me “Warning No SDCard!” message.
    Please give instructions for phones without external SD cards.

  16. I have FLA AL 10 from China market, it has not installed Google play or can not use any western app, How could installed those, I tried your method, but it did not work

  17. Hola… se mas claro

    pregunta ???? hay que crear una o 2 carpetas dload y poner el update app. una en la memoria interna osea teléfono y 2 tarjeta extraíble.
    tu dices en la memoria interna sd .

  18. hello am wisdom and i need some help from you guys please i have dis huawei G621-TL00 but i can’t use it for whatsapp and any things else so please if u can help

  19. my huawei p9 it is restarting itself just after appearing the huawei log this started to happen just after i updated my phone i think the updates has problems that have caused my phone not to proceed to the home screen please help please

  20. How can I update new version for nova 3 it’s working old version. I need to update new version

  21. Hi, could I downgrade my COL-AL10 to COL-L29C10B151 ( using Your instrucion? I would like to make european version of my phone

  22. Hi Abd Razzak, Thank you for putting this guide, But i want to format the entire OLD system, I want to install a fresh clean firmware, how can i do that? from what i understand it will just update the existing system so it will be much slower and i want a clean install!

    Please help

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