How to Fix If PS4 Showing Cannot Communicate using SSL error?

In this article, we’ll show you the options that you can do to Fix when PS4 Showing Cannot Communicate using SSL error in straightforward steps.

This issue mostly caused by a local network glitch that prevents your console from connecting to PSN. In most cases, affected users are saying they only see this problem when using a SonicWall model or a different manufacturer with similar functionality.

PS4 Showing Cannot Communicate using SSL error

Fix, PS4 Showing Cannot Communicate using SSL error

Restart Modem/Router

This is the first and most important step. If your modem or router has some issue then there is no benefit of trying other methods. Follow the below steps to properly reboot the modem or the router.

  • Press and hold the power button, until the light goes off.
  • Unplug the router from the power source.
  • Keep it unplugged for 1-2 minute(s).
  • Plug it back to the power source.
  • Press the Power button to turn it back on.
  • Wait for all the lights to become stable.
  • Reboot your phone then try to connect to the Internet.

Wait until your device is connected then try to navigate to a website using your browser to see if you can now access the Internet.

If you are facing or observing any unusual behavior of the router then you need to contact your internet service provider as well.

Enable consistent NAT(Network address translation)

Here’s a quick guide on enabling consistent NAT on SonicWall, you can apply similar steps to enable NAT in your different firewall device or just comment below we would love to help you out:

  • Access your SonicFirewall settings by opening your default browser and pasting the following IP address inside the navigation bar:
  • At the next step, you will be prompted to insert your user credentials.
  • You can find the default password and username inside the SonicWall user manual.
  • Once you’re inside the SonicWall settings menu, select Manage at the very top from the list of available main menus.
  • Once you’re inside the Managed menu, use the newly appeared menu on the left-hand side to select VOIP from under System Setup.
  • Next, move over to the right-hand section and check the box associated with Enable consistent NAT.
  • Once this modification has been enforced, restart your computer along with your networking device and see if the issue is now fixed.

After your PlayStation 4 boots back up, attempt to connect it again and see if the issue is now resolved.

Disable SSL Control

Here’s a quick guide on disabling SSL Control on SonicWall, you can apply similar steps to disable SSL Control in your different firewall device or just comment below we would love to help you out:

  • Access your SonicFirewall settings by opening your default browser and pasting the following IP address inside the navigation bar:
  • At the next step, you will be prompted to insert your user credentials.
  • You can find the default password and username inside the SonicWall user manual.
  • Once you’re inside the SonicWall settings menu, select Manage at the very top from the list of available main menus.
  • With the Manage menu selected, use the left-hand menu to click on Firewall Settings (under Security Configuration).
  • Next, click on SSL Control from the list of sub-items belonging to Firewall Settings.
  • Once you’re inside the SSL Control screen, either disable SSL Control (under General Settings) or change the default Action for policies violation from Block the connection and log the event to Log the event.

After this modification has been enforced, restart your device and see if the issue is resolved at the next computer startup.

Using HTTP instead of HTTPS

The ‘Cannot Communicate Using SSL‘ error can be avoided by pressing up on the Dpad and just removing the s out of ‘http(s)’. Once you removed the S from HTTPS, load the page again and see if the problem is now resolved.

Update firmware version in Safe Mode

Delete Pending Notification(if any)

  • First, start your PS4 and access the Notifications panel from the main dashboard.
  • Once you do this, select the update notification.
  • And press the Options button to delete every pending update from the Notification panel.
  • Once you manage to delete the notification, turn off your PS4 completely and wait until it’s fully turned off.

Boot into Safe Mode

  • After your computer is completely turned off, press and hold the power button until you hear 2 beeps (for about 10 seconds).
  • You should hear the first one immediately after you start holding the button and the second one about 7 seconds later.
  • After the second beep is heard, your computer will automatically enter Safe Mode.
  • Once you see the next screen, connect your DualShock4 controller to your console via the USB cable and press the PS button on the controller.
  • Once your controller is connected to the Safe Mode interface, use it to select Option 3: Update System Software.
  • Wait until the new software is downloaded and installed, then follow the on-screen instructions to install the newest version on your console.

Change the default DNS

  • Open your PS4 console and navigate to the main dashboard menu.
  • Once you get there, go to Settings.
  • Then open Networks and then Set Up Internet Connection.
  • After you do this, choose either Wi-Fi or LAN, depending on the type of network that you’re using.
  • Choose Custom when prompted by the next menu and set the IP Address to Automatic.
  • When asked to specify the DHCP Host Name, choose Do Not Specify.
  • Set the DNS Settings to Manual, then set the Primary DNS to and the Secondary DNS to

Once the default DNS has been changed, repeat the action that was previously triggering the issue and see if the problem is now fixed.

Hard Reset PS4

  • With your PS4 turned on, press and hold the PS button and bring up the Power options menu.
  • You will see a list of available Power Options.
  • Select the Turn off PS4 option and press the X button.
  • Once the lights go completely off, unplug the console power cable and wait for 10 seconds or more.
  • Plug the power cable back into your console.
  • Press the power button again to start it up.

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