Today’s Byrdle Clue and Answer (September 16, 2024)

We are seeing a lot of online word games after the release of Wordle. A lot of developers are coming up with their own unique ideas for an online puzzle games. Byrdle is one of them. The Byrdle is inspired by Wordle, however, there is a difference between the word that you will guess. It is based on the Choral Theme.

A lot of users are loving this game and play it excitingly. As the game is very much based choral theme, then due to this, users sometimes find it hard to guess the correct word. After this, the users start searching for the correct word by surfing online. So, we are here with the word to help you in guessing the correct word and getting good points in the game. Read the full article to know the correct word of Today’s Byrdle.


What is Byrdle Game?

The Byrdle is a choral theme-based online word puzzle game. Everyday users have to visit the website to guess the correct word and win points.

This game was developed after the idea was given QuireMemes. It has been developed by Svelte and it is open-source.

How To Play Byrdle Game?

The Byrdle game has similar gameplay to the Wordle. It is very easy to play. You only have to visit their website which is and after it follows the steps which are given below.

  • You have to guess a word in the game.
  • After guessing, click on the enter button.
  • Now, you will see four highlighted colors on the letters which are green, yellow, grey, and red.

If there is any correct letter in the correct spot in the game then it will be highlighted with green, if it is the correct letter and in the wrong spot then it will be highlighted as yellow. Similarly, if it is a wrong letter in any spot then it will be highlighted as grey. If the guessed word is wrong then it will be highlighted in red.

  • You will have to get all the green colors on the letter to win the game.

What is Today’s Byrdle Answer (September 16, 2024)?

Even after all the tries, if you are not able to guess the correct word, then we are here to help you with that. We will tell you the correct Byrdle Word for today. The Byrdle word for which you are looking is WOBBLE. This was the correct Today’s Byrdle Word. We hope you have collected your points for today.

This was all for this article. We hope that this will help you in getting high points in the Byrdle game.

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