How to Change Party Members in Baldur’s Gate 3

On the way around the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, you will encounter several characters. Unfortunately, you can’t get any of them on your side at once. The game requires players to have four partners simultaneously. And then arises the question of changing party members.

That’s why you’re going to have to adjust the group members at Baldur’s Gate 3 to ensure a fine balance with all the talents and abilities with your squad. Each character has its own positive and negative characters, and you’ll need to play with all of them before you find the members that fit your style of play.

How to Change Party Members in Baldur’s Gate 3

How to Change Party Members in Baldur’s Gate 3

You need to choose the option to go to your camp in order to change your party members at Baldur’s Gate 3. On the top of your screen, right next to the minimap, you can find the Camp option with the campfire icon.

When you’re in camp, you can speak to all of your group members, and you can dismiss them to introduce someone new to you. Open dialogue and, for now, pick the option to fly separately. You can still make them join your group at a later time if they’re still in your camp. First, you can opt to talk to the character you want at your party and invite them to join you.

If you come across new characters in the world, you can opt to have them join you instantly if you have a party slot available. Otherwise, you should order them to get out of your camp and speak to them at a later time. Doing this can be a good idea if you don’t have an immediate need for a particular character or if you’re looking for a specific class.

How to Set Up a Multiplayer in Baldur’s Gate 3?

To make a multiplayer game, click Multiplayer, and then select Create Game. Set up your lobby settings and invite all of your friends by clicking on the cross in each player position.

Set the choices so that only your friends can enter if you don’t want it to be public. You can also enable cross-save, which will synchronize your last five savegames between any platform.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a multiplayer Co-Op mode that supports a party of four. It is similar to Larian’s previous Divinity: the original titles of Sin, with some options, added. Party members can vote on dialogue options whenever a member of the team engages in a conversation with the NPC.

The player beginning the discussion will see which dialogue options other party members have chosen, broken down by percentages. Other players can also do whatever they want during the dialogue, including creeping behind the NPC and pickpocket, for example. However, it is now easier for a person to make decisions to take into account the views of their team.

Well, that’s all we have with changing your party members in Baldur’s Gate 3, and we hope this helped you indeed. Now, check out our Windows Guides, Gaming Guides, Social Media Guides, iPhone, and Android Guides to know more. If you have any queries, comment down with your name & email ID. Moreover, subscribe to our very own YouTube Channel in order to watch awesome videos on gaming and smartphone tips and tricks.

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