Download QFil Tool or Qualcomm Flash Image Loader Tool – Latest V2.0.3.5

Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFil) is a lightweight application designed for Windows computers, compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11. This tool is essential for flashing Stock Firmware, Stock Recovery, or Custom Recovery like TWRP or CWM on Qualcomm-powered smartphones and tablets. In this article, we provide a link to download the latest version of the QFil Tool, along with a comprehensive installation guide and an overview of its features.

With most modern Android smartphones and tablets now utilizing Qualcomm chipsets, the QFil tool has become an indispensable resource for users looking to flash their devices quickly and efficiently. This guide is straightforward and user-friendly, making it accessible even to beginners. Before you begin, we’ll outline the tool’s features and system requirements and provide all necessary download links.

What is Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFiL)?

Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFIL) Tool is a utility program developed by Qualcomm Technologies Inc. that allows users to flash firmware (stock ROMs) on Qualcomm devices. This tool is primarily used for devices that run on Qualcomm chipsets and helps users flash firmware and unbrick Qualcomm devices.

QFIL tool lets users flash firmware in different formats such as .mbn, .elf, and .xml. It is widely used by developers, service centers, and advanced users for various purposes like downgrading/upgrading firmware, fixing boot loop issues, unbricking Qualcomm devices, and unlocking bootloaders.

Overall, QFIL is useful for users who want to flash the firmware on their Qualcomm devices and perform various firmware-related tasks. However, it should be used cautiously and only by advanced users with experience with such tools.

Also Read: Download Qualcomm Smartphone Write IMEI Tool – Repair IMEI number

Features of Qualcomm Flash Image Loader Tool

There are plenty of features available for this tool. But we have mentioned all the core fully functional features, which will help you go with this tool. Let’s take a look.

Portable App

You don’t need to install the app. Just download the zip file and extract it. Then simply open the tool and start your flashing process. It’s that easy and portable too.

Flash Stock Firmware:

Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFiL) ‘s main feature is that it allows users to flash Stock Firmware on any Qualcomm chipset-powered smartphone or tablet device. With the help of this tool, you can Upgrade, Downgrade, or Reset your smartphone very easily.

Flash Recovery:

Like flashing the Stock ROM on Qualcomm running devices, users can also flash any Custom Recovery or Stock Recovery via the tool. You will be required to have a recovery image with the .img extension. You can install the popular TWRP Recovery or CWM Recovery by using this tool.

Easy To Use:

Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFiL) is a small application that can be used by any user very easily, even by a new user. All you need is to load the correct firmware file to the QFiL application and flash it properly.

Log Files to Check Error:

The tool comes with built-in log files to check the error log while flashing the Stock Firmware. This makes it easy to find out the actual issue or error, and an advanced user or a developer can easily fix that issue.

Qualcomm Chipset Support only:

Qualcomm Flash Image Loader is supported only on Smartphones or Tablets powered by a Qualcomm processor.

Download Latest QFil Tool:

Name QFIL Tool
Type Flash Tool for Qualcomm Devices
Developer Qualcomm Technologies, Inc
File Name
File Size 5.43 MB
Supports Microsoft Windows (32-bit and 64-bit)
Download Link Download

All Old Version:

Download Qualcomm Drivers | Download


  • This guide and tool are only for Qualcomm chipset devices. Don’t even try it on MediaTek or Spreadtrum running devices.
  • Charge your device battery up to 60% for a smoother process.
  • You will require a Windows PC/Laptop and a USB cable.
  • Enable the USB Debugging on your handset via Settings > Developer options > USB Debugging.
  • Keep a backup of the device data without Root.


We want to clarify that any actions you take based on the information provided in our guide are entirely at your own risk. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the safety or success of any modifications you make to your device.

Therefore, we will not be held responsible for any damage, errors, or issues that occur to your handset while or after following this guide. It is essential that you carefully read and understand all instructions before proceeding and only attempt these modifications if you have sufficient knowledge and expertise. Remember to always proceed with caution and take appropriate precautions to minimize any risks involved.

Steps to Install and Use Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFiL Tool):

  • If you’re installing and using the Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFiL) tool on your PC/Laptop running Windows OS, you must have the Qualcomm Drivers installed. Download and install Qualcomm Drivers from above then follow this guide.
  • Now, Download the QFiL zip file and extract it on your computer in any folder.
  • Next, open the folder, click on the QFiL application file, and open it.

  • Once you launch it, you will see the following kind of interface on your computer screen.

  • Switch off your phone and connect it to the PC via a USB cable while pressing and holding down the Volume Up button.
  • Your device model will be displayed on your PC.
  • Now, click on the Browse option to select the downloaded Stock ROM file on the tool from your PC.
  • Now, browse and select the right firmware you have downloaded for your device.
  • Then click on the Download button to start the installation process. It may take 10-15 minutes, depending on the flashing speed.
  • During the installation process, don’t do anything with your phone.
  • Once it’s done, your device will reboot automatically.
  • That’s it. Enjoy!
  • You have successfully installed the firmware on your device via Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFiL tool).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I use QFiL on non-Qualcomm devices?

No, QFiL is specifically designed for devices powered by Qualcomm chipsets. It will not work on devices with MediaTek, Spreadtrum, or Exynos processors. For those devices, you must use their respective tools, such as SP Flash Tool for MediaTek or Odin for Samsung.

2. What should I do if my device doesn’t boot after flashing?

If your device fails to boot after flashing, try the following steps:

  • Re-enter Recovery Mode: Boot into recovery mode and perform a factory reset.
  • Check the Firmware: Verify that the correct firmware for your device’s exact model and variant was used.
  • Re-flash the Firmware: Repeat the flashing process, ensuring there are no interruptions.
  • Seek Professional Help: If the issue persists, contact a professional service center or visit online forums like XDA Developers for assistance.

I hope this guide will be helpful to you. Feel free to let us know in the comments below if you’ve any issues regarding this.


  1. These methods do not work. Firmware is normal, not service, not to restore the phone.

    Edit: latest version worked fine.. Thank you!

  2. Hello. In my environment, connecting a terminal does not change from No port Available. Qualcomm driver is also installed. I’m bad at English. I’m sorry. nice to meet you.

  3. Hello sorry but nothing works for me either this way or the other I would like a solution pro please I do not see any file of those when unzipping only patch0.xml is the only one that appears to me the others I do not know if it is because of the firmware other than those of the other z6 lite and z6 pro, if you unzip the firmware of z6 l78121 does not bring those files that you put in your description, when I try it gives me error … if you can answer me it is that if I want to flash my lenovo z6 l78121 you would like it a lot if you can ace a video I’ll see if you share the link

  4. my mobile say phone not root and i don’t know my mobile password so how to usb debugging my mobile ? the two problems on my mobile so how to flash my mobile ?

  5. Witam ostatnio po zainstalowaniu lineage os 17 na moto g7 power po zrestartowaniu telefonu telefon się wyłączył a po podłączeniu do telefonu do komutera wyświetla sie on jako qualcomm oraz tak samo jest wykrywany jest jeden sposób na przywrócenie go mianowicie program qfil ale nie mam potrzebnych plików do przywrócenia systemu, bardzo proszę o pomoc gdy by ktoś mógł podesłać pliki albo wytłumaczyć jak można to zrobić był bym bardzo wdzięczny. Mój model to moto g7 power xt1955-4.

  6. Hello, recently after installing lineage os 17 on moto g7 power after restarting the phone will turn off and after connecting to the phone to the computer is displayed as Qualcomm and the same system is detected, please help if the author: someone could send files or explain, how can you do that I would be very grateful. My model on Moto G7 Power XT1955-4

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