Telegram is a popular messaging platform used worldwide by various users. But it is not solely just a messaging application. Telegram also lets you call any other Telegram user whose number you saved on your device. This is free, and the call goes through the Internet.
When you are calling someone on Telegram, you have the option of performing either an audio call or a video call. Irrespective of what you choose, there is a possibility that the call might not go through. The ring does not connect for some users, while others face issues saying the line is busy. Now what does an active line indicate in Telegram? That is what we will discuss here in this article. So without any further ado, let’s get into it.
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Telegram showing Line busy; what does it mean?
The answer is quite simple. The busy notification you get when you call someone means that the person you are calling is already on another with another Telegram user. You might even see a waiting notification and not a busy message. But both indicate the same: the user you are trying to contact is on another call at that moment.
Getting around this is similar to what we do with actual calls. You have to wait till the person is done with their present call, and then maybe the person will call you back for the missed call, or you can try again. If you are unsure whether the other will get the notification for missed calls, you can try again.
So this is all there is to know about the line busy notification that you sometimes see when you call someone on Telegram. If you have any questions or queries about this guide, comment below, and we will reply. Don’t forget to let us know which fix did the trick for you. Also, check out our other articles on iPhone tips and tricks, Android tips and tricks, PC tips and tricks, and much more for more helpful information.
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