Tricks To Find Already Purchased Apps On Google Play Store

Android users have plenty of free apps, and this is why when people buy paid apps, it gets harder to keep track of them. I usually buy small apps and services from Google Play and often loose track of them. And sometimes, it happens when I purchase similar apps because I don’t remember my app purchase. Well, this is going to change now since there are some tricks to find already purchased apps on the Google Play Store. And if you frequently buy apps, movies, videos, music on Play Store, then you will find it utterly helpful.

The worst-case scenario happens when you lose your old device and have to install all the apps again. In such time, you might forget about your purchased apps. And racking all the purchased apps on Google Play Store is not particularly a fun task. But good for you as there is a simple and better way to find all purchased apps on Google Play without scrolling through all the free apps list. And I’m sure you will be surprised to see how many paid games and apps you already have bought on Goggle Play. So are you ready?

Tricks To Find Already Purchased Apps On Google Play Store

Tricks To Find Already Purchased Apps On Google Play Store

Google Play Store is a marketplace of apps, games, services, movies, songs where you can find anything online. Where most of the apps and games services are free to use, many of them require you to buy certain subscriptions. And the funny part is that we almost forget about these subscriptions from time to time. To its very important to keep track of thee purchases as they add up and sum up to a big amount. Also checking about already purchased apps or subscription will tell you about any online packages which are sucking money out of your pocket.

Today we will look at some cool tricks and tips where you can actively look at the purchased apps and services on PlayStore. And you don’t have to scroll through the entire installed app list as well. It’s simple and time-effective!

By Checking PlayStore Order History

If you’re on your device, then it is by far the most simple way to check purchased apps on PlayStore. All you need to do is open your Play Store and check the order under the account section. Here is a quick guide to doing that:

Click on the menu icon present at top left corner in PlayStore

Now choose the account section.

Now choose order history.

check purchased apps from playstore order history tab

Here you will see all the apps which you have purchased before with your Google account!

It will also list the canceled and ongoing subscriptions of various apps. So you can keep track of them accordingly.

From Web Version Of PlayStore

The problem with the mobile version of checking installed apps on the Play Store is that it cannot sort items. So in case your frequent buyer on Play Store, it will show a cluttered list of purchased items there. And there is no way to sort them according to date purchased or item type. So this is where the web version will help you out.

Go to the PlayStore homepage and click on the Account tab. Here you have to choose orders.

get purchased apps invoice from google play store

Now you can choose between categories. So if you want to keep track of music purchases or movie purchases then, you can do that here. It’s neat and more categorized and will help you a lot if you purchase multiple products on the Play Store.

Check Purchased Items Receipts

Now, what if you wanted the invoices for all the apps and services you just bought? Well, don’t worry because there’s a way to get digital invoices for these apps and services. Go to Google Payments Centre.

checkout purchased apps from playstore

Go to Google Payments Centre and log in with your Google account.

Here you can see the recent purchased along with their receipts.

By Third-Party Apps Integration

Now, if all of this sounds very complicated to you, then there’s one more easy way. We have many third-party applications that can help you to keep track of your recent purchases of Google Play. The best part is that they have certain features such as invoice experts and searching options, which makes it easy to manage your expenses.

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This app will give you full control of your purchased apps. You can sort them by installed and not installed so you can install the apps which you purchased earlier. And it is free to use, and that’s a great price!


Finding and keeping track of your purchased apps is not a very complicated task. However, most people are not aware of it and keep purchasing new apps and services. I’m sure, after reading this guide, you will find many apps on your device, which you don’t remember purchasing at all. The funny part is that the total sum of all the apps purchased might be more than you expected. And that’s why you should keep track of all such purchased apps on Google Play.

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