Valorant XP and Rewards from Missions not being registered – Fix now available

Valorant’s user base is growing rapidly as the game is now finally available to the public. The game has been in beta for a while now and there have been a few bugs and issues that are taken care of. However, the game is not free from bugs completely. A new issue has been spotted by players in Valorant.

Players are claiming that they are not receiving the XP and contract rewards after completing missions in the game. This has left a lot of players frustrated. Fortunately, Riot Games has already addressed the issue and has released a fix. This has been confirmed via the official Riot Games Support Twitter account.


In the tweet, Riot Games Support states that “For players missing contract rewards this has also been fixed and playing one game should grant you those missing rewards.” According to Riot Games Support, users who experienced the problem can now play one game to get back the rewards that weren’t received. Additionally, the issue where players were unable to make purchases from the store has also been fixed.

Unfortunately, early comments by players seem to indicate that they have not yet received the battle pass rewards. Given the early response from players, it seems the issue still persists even after the claimed fix. Riot Games is yet to address the matter again or provide any solution for the issue. Since this is a developing issue, we suggest you stay tuned to GetDroidTips for further information on the matter.

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