Genshin Impact 4.2 Tier List | 2023 Best Characters and Team Builds

Genshin Impact recently got its latest 4.2 global update and changes to its character’s powers and tire list. The game now has 49 total playable characters, so selecting characters is not easy. With a huge pool of points, features, and fighting tactics, choosing the best player for your gameplay is difficult. So here is the Genshin Impact 4.2 Tier List for May 2023, which will help you reference each player’s strong points to make a good choice.

When it comes to tier lists, these only give you a picture of what the characters are capable of and their relative strength and weaknesses. We will also add details for the 2023 Best Characters and Team Builds. So you may reference these to build your team as real results will come only if you play with utmost precision and good technique.

Genshin Impact 2.4 Tier List for January 2022

Genshin Impact 4.2 Tier List for January 2023

For this tire list, the characters are mostly divided into three types category Main DPS, Sub DPS, and Support. Because all of the characters fall into one category or more categories.

S: Characters with high performance in their respective roles, but don’t push the limits in terms of Talents and Constellations.

A: Characters with a solid performance in their respective roles.

B: Functional characters that will be quickly replaced due to their talents, stats, etc.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Main-DPS Characters Tier List

This tabular tier list consists of characters who carry DP and deal the most damage compared to other team members. These specialize in giving the highest field time, except for some situations.

S Raiden Shogun Electro Elemental Damage
S Hu Tao Pyro Elemental Damage
S Alhaitham Dendro Sword Damage
S Ganyu Cryo Elemental Damage
S Ayaka Cryo Elemental Damage
S Eula Cryo Physical Damage
S Xiao Anemo Elemental Damage
S Itto Geo Elemental Damage
S Childe Hydro Elemental Damage
A Diluc Pyro Elemental Damage
A Klee Pyro Elemental Damage
A Yoimiya Pyro Elemental Damage
A Keqing Electro Elemental Damage / Physical Damage
A Yanfei Pyro Elemental Damage
A Ninguang Geo Elemental Damage
A Mona Hydro Elemental Damage
A Fischl Electro Physical Damage
A Noelle Geo Elemental Damage
A Razor Electro Physical Damage
A Jean Anemo Physical Damage
B Traveller Geo Elemental Damage
B Sucrose Anemo Elemental Damage
B Lisa Electro Elemental Damage
B Kaeya Cryo Elemental Damage/ Physical Damage
B Rosaria Cryo Elemental Damage

Best Main-DPS Characters

Raiden Shogun: Raiden can deal with massive damage through her power bursts. For almost 7 seconds after the initial burst strike, she can deal with rights damage possible as compared to any other game character.

Ganyu: Ganyu’s skill multiplier feature allows her to deal with massive damage. In addition to this, she is also capable of making charged attacks that can be further amplified with her skills.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Sub-DPS Characters Tier List

This tabular tier list consists of characters that deal with passive damage or have expertise in single hit massive damage. These characters can be counted as the main damage dealer of the party.

S Raiden Shogun Electro Burst-DPS Overtime
S Furina Hydro Sword
S Yae Miko Electro Elemental Burst
S Xingqiu Hydro Burst-DPS Overtime
S Xiangling Pyro Burst-DPS Overtime
A Mona Hydro Burst-DPS Single
A Fischl Electro Burst-DPS Overtime
A Shenhe Cryo Burst-DPS Overtime
A Beidou Electro Burst-DPS Overtime
A Ganyu Cryo Burst-DPS Overtime
A Ayaka Cryo Burst-DPS Overtime
A Venti Anemo Burst-DPS Overtime
A Kazuha Anemo Burst-DPS Overtime
A Albedo Geo Burst-DPS Single
A Childe Hydro Burst-DPS Single
A Zhongli Geo Burst-DPS Single
A Jean Anemo Burst-DPS Overtime
A Charlotte Cryo Catalyst
A Kokomi Hydro Burst-DPS Overtime
A Sara Electro Burst-DPS
B Chongyun Cryo Burst-DPS
B Lisa Electro Burst-DPS Overtime
B Yanfei Pyro Burst-DPS Single
B Rosaria Cryo Burst-DPS Overtime
B Alloy Cryo Burst-DPS
B Kaeya Cryo Burst-DPS Overtime
B Traveller Geo Burst-DPS Overtime

Best Sub-DPS Characters

Xiangling: Most of this character damage comes from the elemental burst with a long duration.

Xingqiu: Xingqiu can do vapor damage and also do rain swords.

Genshin Impact 4.2 Support Characters Tier List

This tabular tier list consists of characters that come with supporting utility which can range from healing, shielding, or buffing.

S Raiden Shogun Electro Elemental Aura / Energy Generation
S Furina Hydro Sword
S Bennett Pyro Buffer / Healer
S Kazuha Anemo Buffer / VV Shred/ Crowd Control
S Zhongli Geo Shield
A Shenhe Cryo Buffer
A Jean Anemo Healer / Buffer / Crowd Control
A Yun Jin Geo Buffer
A Charlotte Cryo Catalyst
A Kirara Dendro Sword Damage
A Gorou Geo Buffer
A Sucrose Anemo Buffer / VV Shred/ Crowd Control
A Kokomi Hydro Healer
A Diona Cryo Healer / Shield
A Sara Electro Buffer
A Mona Hydro Buffer
A Venti Anemo VV Shred / Crowd Control
A Xingqiu Hydro Elemental Aura
A Xiangling Pyro Elemental Aura
A Qiqi Cryo Healer
B Beidou Electro Elemental Aura
B Thoma Pyro Shield
B Noelle Geo Healer / Shield
B Sayu Anmeo Healer / VV Shred
B Traveller Geo Crowd Control / Buffer
B Rosaria Cryo Elemental Aura / Buffer

Best Support Characters

Kazuha: Khazua has the best damage increasing utility in the game. Her elemental burst gives a good amount of elemental damage and affects all the active characters on the field.

Bennett: Bennett is one of the strongest support characters in the game as of now. Her support kit can provide ATK% buff, and AOE heals. Her character can even full fill the role of pyro battery.

Genshin Impact Character Best Team Builds 2023

If you wish to play with any character in the game, it’s important for you to know the best team guide for the same. Here is the best teams list you can refer to build your strategy and gameplay. Always remember to use them as a reference and make your own team to match your playstyle.

For the best team build, we will look at only the best characters from the game. This will help you to make your game strategy better and easy to adapt.

Characters List Character Type Best Teams build
Raiden Shogun Best Team Build Main-DPS Character
  • Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett, Raiden
  • Eula, Raiden, Rosaria, Zhongli
  • Raiden, Sara, Bennett, Kazuha
Ganyu Best Team Build Main-DPS Character
  • Ganyu, Xiangling, Bennett, Zhongli
  • Ganyu, Venti, Mona, Diona
  • Ganyu, Kazuha, Bennett, Zhongli
Xiangling Best Team Build Sub-DPS Character
  • Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett, Raiden
  • Tartaglia, Xiangling, Bennett, Kazuha
  • Ganyu, Xiangling, Bennett, Zhongli
Xingqiu Best Team Build Sub-DPS Character
  • Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett, Raiden
  • Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Albedo, Zhongli
  • Diluc, Xingqiu, Bennett, Venti
Kazuha Best Team Build Best Support Character
  • Tartaglia, Xiangling, Bennett, Kazuha
  • Xiangling, Venti, Bennett, Kazuha
  • Ayaka, Mona, Diona, Kazuha
Bennett Best Team Build Best Support Character
  • Xiangling, Xingquiu, Bennett, Raiden
  • Tartaglia, Xiangling, Bennet, Kazuha
  • Xiangling, Venti, Bennett, Kazuha

Upcoming Genshin Impact Characters List

The game developers have confirmed the following characters to be included in future updates. Once they arrive, we will be doing a thorough analysis of the characters as well. The new characters list are:

  • Scaramouche
  • Dainsleif
  • Yaoyao
  • Cyno
  • Iansan
  • Lynette
  • Lyney
  • Pulcinella


Genshin Impact is a game that requires a lot of strategy and the right moves to play. The above tier list and character best teams build will help you to choose the character properly based on their skillsets. Feel free to build your characters as long as they fit your playstyle to where you enjoy playing the game.

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