Fix Samsung TV No Signal Issue

In this guide, we will show you how to fix the Samsung TV no signal issue. When it comes to smart TVs, the offerings from the South Korean Giants stand right there at the top. It beholds a plethora of impressive collections spread across Full HD, 4K Ultra HD, and the QLED 8K among others. Likewise, the basic functionalities of connecting Bluetooth devices or streaming your favorite online content across the web are dealt with pretty easily as well.

However, you might witness one or two issues from time to time. In this regard, problems related to the TV śignal stand right there at the top. Quite a few users seem to face the No Signal issue on their Samsung TVs. It isn’t limited to any particular version or builds, users having any of the above Samsung TVs seems to be bugged with this issue. If you are also facing this error, then this guide shall help you out. Follow along for the detailed instruction set.

fix Samsung TV no signal issue

How to Fix Samsung TV No Signal Issue

Given below are two different fixes for the said issue. For most of our readers, the first method might be enough to rectify this issue. If you don’t get success with the first one, then the other one should definitely work out for you. Well, it seems it is now finally time to bid adieu to the Samsung TV no signal issue!

Fix 1: Restart your TV

samsung tv remove socket

In most cases, a restart is enough to fix most of the underlying bugs and issues. And there is no reason why it shouldn’t work out for you as well. But just a simple power off from the TV remote wouldn’t do any good. You will have to remove the TV’s plug from the wall socket. Keep it in this state for around 2-3 mins and then plug it back in. Now power on your Samsung TV and the No Signal issue should have been fixed. However, if it is still there, then here’s the next method that you should try out.

Fix 2: Select the Right Source

Well, it goes along the obvious lines that you have to select the correct source to which the device is actually attached, otherwise your TV wouldn’t be able to identify the connected device or carry out its intended function. So check out the back or the side of the TV and find out where the device is plugged in. In other words, you will have to note down the port to which it is connected. As an example, in the below image, the device is connected to HDMI port number 2.

hdmi source

Likewise note down your HDMI port number as well and hit the Source button on your Samsung remote. For most remotes, that button should be situated at the top right. In some instances, you might find it in the middle of the second or third row as well.

source button samsung tv remote

Finally, just select the correct source to which the device is connected to and your issues should stand rectified.

With this, we conclude the guide on how to fix the Samsung TV no signal issue. We have shared two different fixes for the same, do let us know in the comments which one managed to fix the issue for you. Rounding off, here are some iPhone Tips and TricksPC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Trick that you should check out as well.


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