Fix Video DRM Errors on Samsung for Prime Video, Netflix, and Others

In this tutorial, we will show you how to fix the Video DRM Errors on Samsung for Prime Video, Netflix, and other such apps. Unlocking the device’s bootloader and then gaining access to the system partition does allow a user to carry out a plethora of tweaks. But at the same time, it brings in some unwanted risks and issues as well. Banking and Media Players are two of the most common domains that get affected the most.

When it founds out that your device has been tweaked, all such apps might simply refuse to function or work under a restricted environment with limited functionalities. With Samsung devices, things might get a little bit more complicated. Not only does the Knox gets tripped, but you might also face a coupe of DRM errors as well. Digital Rights Management is a copyright protection for digital media. This does not only check for privacy but also makes sure that the contents are being used in a safe environment.

But as and when you unlock the device’s bootloader and root it, that secure environment takes a hit. This in turn will make the DRM straightaway block Prime Video, Netflix, and other streaming sites from playing content. However, thanks to the open-source nature of Android, there is always a workaround. In this tutorial, we will show you how to fix the Video DRM Errors on Samsung for Prime Video, Netflix, and other such apps. Follow along.

Fix Video DRM Errors Samsung

How to Fix Video DRM Errors on Samsung

So here is what really happens. Inside the /system/lib/ or the /system/vendor/lib/ partition there is a file stored by the name of The aforementioned apps make use of this file to play the DRM-protected contents. However, when you try to stream any DRM content on a rooted device, this file won’t let you do so. While some might display some DRM Error messages, others won’t enable let you go past the first screen. It usually depends on which Samsung device you have and its underlying OS version.

liboemcrypto file

In this regard, you might think that a simple fix is to just delete this file. While it is very much a feasible fix, it isn’t usually recommended. This is because the file is stored inside the system partition and making direct changes to this partition is never a good idea. So in this regard, we will be making use of a Magisk Module. The module will basically mask the file with a zero-byte replacement. Since Magisk does everything systemlessly, therefore the question of altering the system partition doesn’t arise in the first place.

There is just one caveat with this module. Once you flash it onto your Samsung device, the Widevine L1 Certification will be degraded to L3. As a result, you would no longer be able to stream content in HD. But the ability to even watch content is itself a plus point and hence the benefit of this module easily outdo the disadvantage. With that said, here are the required instructions set to fix the Video DRM Errors on Samsung for Prime Video, Netflix, and other such apps.

Instructions Steps

  1. Since you are having a rooted device, the Magisk Manager app will be installed on your device. If not do so right away.
  2. Then launch the app and tap on the hamburger menu situated at the top-left.
  3. Go to the Downloads section and search for the ‘liboem’ module. This should bring in the liboemcrypto disabler module.
    Video DRM fix module
  4. Tap on the download icon and then on the Install button in the popup that appears.
  5. Wait for the process to finish and when that is done, hit the Reboot button situated at the bottom right.
  6. Once your device restarts, you could then easily access content from your favorite streaming apps onto your rooted Samsung devices.

That’s all from this guide on how to fix the Video DRM Errors on Samsung for Prime Video, Netflix, etc. As mentioned before, you could also do the same without the module, simply by deleting the file. But making direct modifications to the system partition isn’t the recommended way to deal with the issue.

Not only Magisk does it systemless, but it also makes the entire process pretty easy to carry out. On that note, we conclude this guide. If you have any issues, do let us know in the comments section below. Rounding off, here are some iPhone Tips and TricksPC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Trick that you should check out as well.

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